Saturday, November 10, 2012

Visuals from 'Temporary Bliss'

I am admittedly posting this a week after I said I would. Truth be told, I had the post done, Blogger didn't save it, I was beyond irritated with that and just decided to throw my hands in the air and say "fuck it." Now that I don't want to toss my laptop out the window... I'm back. ;)

Lauren's outfit for the charity brunch was intended to be a bit gothic feeling, but chic enough to make it something she'd consider stylish and something you'd see someone wearing at one of these functions. The dress isn't trendy, but it's cute, and the bow actually doesn't look hideous when you see the dress in comparison to how I had to describe it in the story:

The shoes were a bit harder for me to nail down, but I knew I wanted something pink (for the girly factor), and something lacy to make it sexy at the same time:


Finally the bag. I actually got some inspiration for this from a bag of my own, done by Betsey Johnson (aka my favorite fucking designer on the face of the planet). The one I have is black with some sick looking hot pink skulls on it. I did some searching and found this bag, which I thought fit Lauren a little better:

And just a few more pieces of random inspiration I had for Jess and Lauren:
