Chapter Song: Everybody's Changing by Keane
Characters belong to SM. Everything else belongs to me.
Chapter 22 – New Year, New Beginnings
Mike's POV
You, me, and an empty restaurant on Sunday at 10? I promise satisfaction. – L.
This was one of the reasons I loved dating Laurent. The man was good looking and he could cook, which he did, for me, in his restaurant before it opened.
I took one last glance at myself in the mirror and made sure I had what I needed in my pocket. My usual Sunday morning calmness was gone, replaced by an electric excitement that put
an extra bounce in my step. I wasn't sure if Laurent had anything special planned for our brunch, but I did and I was anxious to get it over with.
"Taxi!" I bellowed, stepping off the curb and waving both hands in the air. The gesture itself was ridiculous, as there were about a third as many people on the sidewalk as there were taxis
in the road, but what could I say? The bounce in my step wasn't the only way I was showing my happiness that morning.
When my phone started ringing, I assumed it was Laurent checking if I was on my way. I didn't look at the caller ID before picking up. "I hope you aren't wearing anything under that
skimpy apron of yours."
"The last I checked, I didn't own an apron and you didn't fancy lady parts."
I chuckled in embarrassment. "Don't worry, that whole aversion to lady parts is still in full swing. What's up Short Stop?"
"Rose is in Maine with Emmett and Jasper is off somewhere with his dad for the day," Alice explained. "That means you and I have a brunch date at Sarabeth's."
"As much as I'd love to indulge in a good old fashioned gossip session and some of their amazing porridge, I already have plans for the day."
"Go figure, the one morning I'm totally open is also the one morning that everyone else is busy!"
"Murphy's Law, dear child. I can do drinks tomorrow if your agenda permits."
My suggestion was greeted by a sound reminiscent of a farty kiss. "Fine, fine, fine, then I won't try to twist your arm about today. Give Laurent a hug for me."
"Oh, honey, I'll give him more than that," I said, wiggling my eyebrows suggestively, which earned a glance from the cabbie.
"That's my cue to go. Call me later!" Alice made another series of weird kissy sounds and clicked off the line. I shook my head and smiled, slipping my phone back in my coat pocket and
fishing out some cash for the cab driver.
It was just cold enough outside to make me mentally kick myself for not wearing a scarf. I cupped my hands around my eyes and peered in the restaurant window. Everything up front was
dark, but I could see light streaming out from under the door that led to the kitchen. I tapped on the glass with one finger, flushing when I saw Laurent emerge. Dark wash distressed jeans
and a white wife beater with an unbuttoned black dress shirt looked even better on him than any skimpy apron would. I greeted him with a forceful kiss.
"To what do I owe that?" He locked the door behind us and looped his pinky in mine, leading me through the deserted dining area and into his culinary studio. I perched myself on one of
the counters and watched as he busied himself with something on the stove.
"I'm just happy I get to see you today."
He shot me a sideways glance and clapped his free hand over my forehead. "Who are you and what have you done with my sassy boyfriend?"
I shrugged. "The raunchy and outspoken version of me is in here somewhere, don't worry."
"Thank fuck for that! I'm not sure I could handle it if you were all sunshine and roses and shit."
"What's on the menu this morning?" I grabbed a stray slice of mushroom and popped it in my mouth.
"Well, I thought we'd start with some bellinis and a traditional bruschetta, then move on to frittata with prosciutto, mushrooms, and scallions."
"Mmm, if you keep saying words like that I might want to take my clothes off."
He looked over his shoulder and winked, making a gesture like he was locking his lips and throwing away the key. I stretched my leg out and kicked his hip playfully.
"Keep talking, mister. Otherwise I will take my clothes off and then where will we be?"
"Well, you'll be naked in my kitchen," he teased, earning another kick from me. "I guess I better not tell you what we're having for dessert."
I crossed my arms over my chest and mustered up my best pout. "You can't not tell me. That's my favorite part."
He laughed and strode across the kitchen, pulling out a large white pastry bag before returning to me. He grabbed my hand and flattened my palm, then squeezed a mound of something
delicious looking onto one of my fingers. "Taste it and take a guess."
I brought my finger to my mouth and gave the dessert clue a taste, closing my lips and letting out a soft moan. "My god, Laurent, you certainly know the way to a man's heart."
"Correction – I know the way to your heart, Michael Newton, and that is with my tiramisu." He grabbed a glass bowl and busied himself with assembling our dessert. I watched with the
same intrigue I always had when Laurent was in the kitchen. Some people were good with numbers, others were good with people, but Laurent was a master with food.
He also had an amazing ass, which looked great bent over while he checked the contents of the oven.
"Do you want to eat upstairs?" Laurent's loft was strategically located directly above Bel Piatto. I stuffed my hands in my pockets and felt the small piece of steel resting there. Between the
tiramisu and Laurent's disheveled appearance, I'd almost forgotten what I hoped would become the highlight of our morning.
"Upstairs is good."
"Grab the frittata and we'll head up!" I wasn't surprised to find the table set and the rest of our meal warming in the oven. My boyfriend officially knew me too well.
I located two champagne flutes and took my seat. "Everything looks amazing, as always."
His smile owned me. "Peach or raspberry?"
Ten minutes and two raspberry bellinis later we got down to business. "So, in all honesty, what's got you so uppity today? I don't think I've seen you this excited since Bella's announcement
at the book release."
I cleared my throat and set my fork down. "Actually, there is something I wanted to discuss with you."
Laurent set his own fork down and stared expectantly at me. When I didn't respond, he narrowed his eyes. "Stop with the dramatic buildup! You're going to give me a coronary."
"I want you to have this," I blurted out, fishing in my pocket and slapping down a copy of my apartment key. His eyes moved back and forth between the key and my face several times
before he unleashed a huge smile.
"You're giving me a key to your place?" I nodded. "That's, like, a huge deal! I've never exchanged keys with a boyfriend before."
"I haven't either," I admitted. "In fact, I'm not sure I've even technically had a boyfriend."
"Well you do now, and I will most certainly take this key and all the responsibilities that come with it!" He slid the key across the table so it sat next to his drink. "I think a trip to the
hardware store is in order."
"What for?"
"To get you a copy of my key, silly! If we're doing then this we're going to do it right."
I couldn't stop the giddy squeal that left me.
"You're not going to hyperventilate, are you?" Laurent arched one eyebrow and leaned back in his chair. I shook my head and he breathed a sigh of relief. "Good, because I need you fully
conscious for this next question. What does your work schedule look like next week?"
I closed my eyes and conjured up a mental image of my day planner. "I have some prep to do for an upcoming photo shoot, but nothing major. What's up?"
"My sister is getting induced on Wednesday and I want to be there when she has the baby. How do you feel about an extended weekend in Los Angeles?"
I already planned on saying yes, but when it dawned on me that Bella and Edward would also be in LA this week, my decision was set in stone. "Fuck yes! A mini-vacay is just what I need!"
"Once again, thank fuck because I already took the liberty of purchasing our tickets."
"What the hell would you have done if I said no?"
He shrugged and smirked. "Found another charming blonde gentleman to pretend he was you."
I leaned across the table and whacked his arm. "Good luck. New York may be flush with gay men, but you'll never find yourself another Mike Newton."
"You can say that again," he murmured, tossing his napkin on the table and standing. He was behind me in an instant, arms wrapped around my shoulders and lips brushing softly against
my ear. "Just so you know, I'd never want to find another Mike Newton. I'm more than happy with the one I've got."
"Mmm, that's a mighty good thing, because you're kind of stuck with the one you've got." I turned my head and pressed my lips against his, enjoying the familiar feeling of his kiss.
I wasn't sure how long we stayed that way, lips locked and arms intertwined in the middle of his kitchen.
What I did know was that I was in no hurry to disentangle myself or move my Sunday along.
Jasper's POV
Monday mornings usually weren't my favorite. I always thought the weekend went by too quickly and was never prepared for the inevitable work-related disasters that Monday brought.
This week was different. I was starting a new job with a new company, and I was ridiculously excited to do so.
The elevator doors opened and I stepped out and looked around. A blue-eyed brunette greeted me at the front desk.
"Can I help you?"
"I'm Jasper Whitlock, the new sports editor." I stuck my hand out and she shook it politely. "I was hoping you could point me in the direction of the editor's offices."
"Down the hall and to the left. Jessica is expecting you."
"Thanks," I said, giving her a smile and heading off in the direction she pointed to. I rounded the corner and was greeted by a large open space filled with modern looking desks,
computers, and file cabinets. Trendy men and women milled around. Some were sipping Starbucks, some were pouring over storyboards and documents, and others were chatting
animatedly with one another. Large offices with floor-to-ceiling glass windows lined two sides of the space, and I assumed those housed the editors.
"Jasper!" I turned to find Jessica standing next to me with a smile on her face. "Welcome to the GQ family! We've got an editors meeting in ten minutes, so follow me to the conference
I trailed along behind her, returning smiles and fielding curious stares. I was the new kid in town again, only this time I was in a position of authority, which made the eyeballing easier to
I took a seat next to Jessica at a large conference table and watched as the other editors seated themselves. A minute later an attractive blonde gentleman strode in, closing the door
behind him and placing his things at the head of the table. I recognized him immediately as the magazine's editor-in-chief.
"Good morning and welcome to another week in the Big Apple!" He smiled and settled his eyes on me. "I'd like to start by introducing Jasper Whitlock, our new sports editor. He comes
from The Journal, which as you all know operates a bit different from us. I expect you'll make him feel welcome while he gets his bearings here."
The other editors went around and introduced themselves, accepting me into their media family right away.
"Thanks for the warm welcome. I look forward to working with all of you and learning the ropes here at GQ."
We spent the next hour brainstorming story ideas for the spring issues, discussing what and whom we wanted to see on the cover, and sharing concerns about the various staff. Jessica
provided me with a list of the writers on my team, and informed me that she'd taken the liberty of scheduling a meeting for the sports writers and me that afternoon.
"This is your new home," she said, opening the door to one of the spacious glass-enclosed offices. I looked around, imagining the fun Alice would have if I dared unleash her to decorate.
"Thank you for everything," I said, stepping forward to give her a hug, but deciding against it. I wasn't sure if any of the staff were aware that we previously knew one another, and I didn't
want to spark a gossip fire on my first day.
Jess pointed over her shoulder. "If you need anything I'm in the corner office." I watched as she walked – more like pregnant waddled – across the room. I took a seat behind my desk and
turned on the computer. Once I had my email set up and a list of contacts assembled, I started flipping through old storyboards and article notes, hoping to familiarize myself with the style
and format the magazine used.
My meeting with the writers went smoothly, as I expected. There was one I could foresee becoming a problem child, but with appropriate guidance and a reasonable set of expectations, he
could easily turn out to be an excellent staff addition.
I couldn't wait to phone my girlfriend – and my dad – at the end of the day.
"How was it?" Alice bypassed a greeting and dove right in. I laughed, attempting to hail a cab without dropping the stuff I was carrying.
"It was so great! Everyone was welcoming, nobody seemed judgmental, and the other editors were incredibly helpful."
"That's so awesome, Jas! Does it feel like you made the right choice?"
"Absolutely," I said, not having to think twice. "It was time for a change, and this one just sort of fell in my lap. I'm sure it happened for a reason, as cliché as that may sound."
"What's your office like?" Leave it to Alice to get down to the important topics right away.
I laughed, remembering how her face was the first thing that had popped into my mind when I saw it. "It's big and bare and waiting for you to come fill it with an amazing decorating
She giggled. "I can't wait until I can see it! What's on your agenda for the evening?"
"Well, I need to call my dad and let him know everything went alright. Even after thirty years he still feels the need to worry about me like I'm ten."
"What about Edward?"
"What about him?"
"You're going to call him, right?"
Edward hadn't contacted me other than to apologize last week, which I saw as a good sign. I knew he was busy with Bella's parents, and if he didn't have time to get in touch, that meant
things had to be going good. "Did he have Bella ask you to ask me to call him?"
"C'mon, Jas, we aren't sixteen." I didn't have to be in the same room as Alice to know she had an incredulous expression on her face. "I haven't talked to Bella this week, so no, she did not
instruct me to have you call him. I just thought that since you've been best friends for, I don't know, thirty some years, it might be appropriate for you to share your good experiences with
"Don't worry, I'm just playing. I'll call him as soon as I'm done at the gym."
"And then you'll come over and see me, right?"
"Eh, I don't know if I can fit that in my terribly busy schedule," I teased.
"Huh. Well, I don't know if I can ever get naked again. You see I have this allergy to men named Jasper…" laughter replaced her words.
"Very funny, Short Stop." I knew she hated it when I used the nickname that Newton gave her.
"Come over at seven?"
"I'll be there." I hung up and rattled off the address for the gym.
I wasn't used to feeling so giddy, but I couldn't deny I had reason to.
I had an amazing girlfriend.
I had an amazing new job.
I lived in one of the most amazing cities on the globe.
What more could a thirty-one year old guy ask for?
Rosalie's POV
Four days in Maine passed quicker than I expected. When Thursday rolled around, I was a bit bummed by the fact that Emmett and I had to return to the city the next morning.
"Would you like a cup of coffee, Rose? You look exhausted." Jocelyn Hale was everything amazing wrapped up in one petite package. She baked pies for her church, taught painting classes
in her spare time, volunteered at a local youth shelter, and somehow managed to find time to play golf in the summer and maintain the home she and Emmett's father, David, chose to
retire in.
I admired the hell out of her. And secretly hoped that Emmett didn't expect me to live up to the over-the-moon standards his mother had inadvertently set.
"No, but thank you for the offer. I'm trying to cut back on my caffeine these days." Emmett and I agreed to wait to tell our parents about the pregnancy until after I passed out of the first
trimester. Until then, I had to remember to be diligent in my reasoning for avoiding activities I'd ordinarily partake in.
"I hope Em doesn't mind that I'm stealing you for the afternoon." His mom caught my confused expression. "I'm taking you to the Downtown District. It's more entertaining in the summer,
but there's some good shops we can visit, and a few different restaurants we can have lunch at."
"That sounds so fun!" I exclaimed, forcing myself to smile. It wasn't that I didn't want to spend an afternoon with Jocelyn; that was far from the truth. My morning sickness had kicked into
high gear, and was now an all-day sickness. The last thing I wanted to do was run somewhere and ralph while we were trying to enjoy ourselves.
Fortunately Jocelyn didn't seem to notice that my enthusiasm was staged. "I'm going to grab our coats. Do you need anything else before we go?"
I shook my head. "Nope, I should be ready."
The drive downtown was short, and finding a place to park was relatively easy. As we meandered along the streets, Jocelyn pointed out different stores that she liked to frequent, and
shared pieces of Portland's history with me. I was amazed by how much she knew, especially since she and David hadn't lived there for that many years.
As we walked, I ducked into some stores and purchased a few things for the girls. I found a tall shot glass that said 'Greetings from Portland' on the front for Bella, and a collector spoon
with a lobster claw on the handle for Alice. Somewhere along the way we'd all started collecting silly items during our travels, and it became a habit that stuck with us. I was looking
forward to seeing all of the trinkets Bella had from the book tour when she returned home in a few weeks.
"How do you feel about fresh seafood?" Jocelyn came to a stop in front of what looked to be half fish market and half restaurant. I smiled sadly and shook my head.
"As much as I love it, I'm just not in the mood for it today," I lied.
"That's no problem at all, sweetheart. There are plenty of other options on this strip." I followed her down the block and into a trendy looking eatery. We seated ourselves at a table next to
the windows and put in our drink orders. Jocelyn opted for a rich merlot while I settled on a mineral water.
"I do believe you're the first girlfriend my son has had who doesn't partake in the stereotypical social cocktail hour at meals," she commented when the waitress returned with our drinks. I
blushed and rattled off what I wanted for lunch, handing over my menu and focusing my attention on the small bubbles that fizzed around in my glass.
"I've been known to fancy a well-mixed martini, but I'm just not feeling it today," I lied once more. Jocelyn's eyes searched my face, and I immediately looked away. Even though I had a
tough exterior, and a tendency to be catty at times, I still hated being dishonest, especially with someone as genuine and amazing as Emmett's mother.
"How far along are you?" Her question took me by surprise.
"Excuse me?"
"How far along are you?" She repeated, smiling and taking a sip of her wine.
"How far along am I with what?" I decided to play stupid for as long as I could hold out.
"You don't have to keep up a façade for me, Rose." Jocelyn reached across the table and squeezed my hand in hers. "I may only have one child myself, but my sisters had enough of their
own for me to know what pregnancy looks like. No caffeine, no seafood, no liquor, frequent trips to the bathroom, and you're all but glowing. How far along are you?"
The rush of emotion that accompanied my answer surprised me. "Six weeks," I whispered, wiping away the tears that were now coursing down my cheeks.
"Have you told anyone else?"
I shook my head. "Only our close friends. We were going to wait to tell our parents until after the first trimester."
She picked up her napkin and dabbed my cheeks. "Do any of your girlfriends have kids?" I shook my head. "Then they can't possibly understand what you're going through. The hormones,
the sickness, and the constant up and down changes in mood; it's a never ending battle, especially during those first twelve weeks."
I blew out a big breath and chuckled. "You haven no idea. Well, no, you do have an idea, and you hit it directly on the head. It's like I've been transplanted into another body, and I have no
control over what's going on or how I feel."
"It probably doesn't seem like it now, but it will get easier, I promise." Jocelyn took another sip of wine and smiled sympathetically. "I remember the beginning of my pregnancy with
Emmett being absolutely miserable. Of course David would probably argue that the entire pregnancy was miserable, but for me, everything after that first twelve weeks was smooth
Our food came, and we paused the conversation to enjoy a few bites of the meal. When I looked up and saw Jocelyn's expression, a fresh wave of tears spilled onto my cheeks. "How are
you not filled with anger right now?"
"Oh, honey, why would I be angry?" She grabbed my hand once more, rubbing soft circles over my knuckles. "A baby is a wonderful addition to any family."
"But I'm not a part of your family," I argued, tearing my gaze away from her and focusing on one of the many blemishes that speckled our table. She reached up and cupped my chin
gently, lifting my head until our eyes met once more.
"I know that you and Emmett haven't been together for very long, and you're not married or even engaged," she began, "but those things don't matter, at least not to me. This week has
been such an eye opener, for both David and me. Emmett told us plenty about you before bringing you up, but seeing you with him has only proven what we already knew – you make him
insanely happy. That alone is enough for me to consider you a part of this family."
The tears increased in strength and I let out an embarrassing hiccup. "What if I don't make him happy forever?"
Jocelyn shrugged and leaned back in her chair. "That's always a possibility, but honestly Rose, I know my son inside and out and he's found a keeper in you."
I sniffled, which gave way to a genuine smile. "Thank you. You don't know how much it means to hear that, especially coming from you."
Jocelyn returned my smile and we resumed our lunch. When we finally headed back to the Hale house a few hours later, we found Emmett and David lounging in the living room, watching
ESPN classics and discussing an upcoming family reunion.
"I'll talk to David about everything later," his mom whispered in my ear, squeezing my hand and giving me a knowing wink.
"Our two favorite women have returned!" David stood and crossed the room, scooping Jocelyn up in a big hug and pressing his lips against her forehead. "Did you have a nice afternoon?"
"We were shopping, David, do you even have to ask?" Jocelyn joked.
Emmett rolled his eyes and stood, stuffing his hands in the back pockets of his jeans and giving me a sheepish grin. "Is downtown Portland still standing?"
"Very funny, " I teased, reaching over and pinching his arm playfully. He pulled me in to a half hug and kept his hand resting on my hip.
"If you don't mind, I need to steal your mother for an hour or so." David wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, eliciting a groan from Emmett.
"Not for that," Jocelyn explained, swatting her husband's shoulder and rolling her eyes. "We help the Carters do their grocery shopping every Thursday. She's wheelchair bound and he has
Butterflies of awe fluttered in my stomach as I watched them leave.
"So, did you really have fun with my mom?" Emmett sunk down on the couch and pulled me onto his lap, wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing my cheek softly.
"Of course I did. She's incredible." I pressed my palms flat against his cheeks and turned his head until he faced me. I caught his lips between mine in a kiss that started out soft but ended
"Welcome to the Hale family," he whispered in my ear, moving his hand down and resting it on my abdomen.
Looking in his eyes, I immediately felt at ease.
According to Jocelyn, I was a perfect fit for the Hale family.
And, as I'd known since Monday, the Hale family was also a perfect fit for me.
Renee's POV
When Bella was in high school, I refused to have any part of cleaning her room. She was particular about her neatness for the most part, but when it got too scary I simply closed the door
and pretended that area of the house was off limits.
Now, as I moved around the small space, putting things back in their place and gathering the sheets from the bed, I felt a twinge of sadness. As happy as I was for her and Edward, and as
proud as I was of all she'd accomplished in New York, there would always be a small part of me that, like any mother, missed having my baby girl around.
I trudged downstairs to the basement armed with a basket full of linens and the outdoor wear Charlie had borrowed Edward. Once everything was loaded in the washer, I grabbed the
vacuum cleaner and headed back upstairs to finish tidying things up.
I had just started vacuuming when I noticed the edge of a suitcase sticking out from beneath the bed. I flipped the Dirt Devil off and dropped to my knees, tugging the Louis Vuitton out
from its hiding place. I frowned, reaching for the phone on the nightstand. I hadn't seen Bella carry this bag in the night before, and that was the only night she and Edward chose not to
stay at the bed and breakfast. I wondered if she'd deposited the bag sometime earlier in the week and simply forgot about it.
I pulled back the zipper, allowing myself to give in to my nosy side. I'd never had the privilege of owning anything high end, and I wanted to give it a good inspection before I called Bella to
let her know it was there. I flipped the suitcase open and immediately regretted the decision.
Skimpy lingerie littered the bag, topped with a few condoms and a rubbery purple device that was shaped like a cone. Even though the room was empty, my cheeks were flushed with a
blush and I had to look over my shoulder to make sure there was no one watching. I picked up what looked like a bra and held it up, cocking my head to the side while trying to figure out
exactly how the scrap of fabric would cover up my daughter's chest.
That's the idea, Renee. Less is more when it comes to lingerie.
I dropped the bra and closed the bag hurriedly, pushing it back under the bed and standing up. Turning the vacuum on, I resumed my cleaning spree, trying not to let the images of what
was in the bag appear in my mind.
There are some things a parent never needs to know about their child. The contents of that bag were one of them.
I resolved then that Bella could call me when she realized it was forgotten.
If she realized it.
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