Chapter Song: If We Kissed by Fiona Apple
Characters belong to SM. Everything else belongs to me.
Chapter 16 - The Countdown
Alice's POV
I tapped my Uggz clad foot impatiently on the sidewalk and took another drag off of my
cigarette. Rose was late for lunch, as usual, and Mike was too hung-over from the Newton
family Christmas to bother getting out of bed.
"Hey!" I turned to see my newly brunette friend weaving her way up the sidewalk. "I'm so sorry
I'm late! Bree decided this morning was the perfect time to have a mini-meltdown over the
I rolled my eyes and butted my cigarette. "Whatever. Let's get inside before they give away our
Back in college, Rose, Bella, and I had started our tradition of exchanging Christmas gifts over a
meal. This year it was my turn to pick where we went, and I'd made reservations at the Four
Seasons Restaurant almost four months ago. Bella didn't announce her trip to Forks until after I
had set lunch up, and even though I offered (grudgingly) to reschedule, she insisted Rose and I
go and have a good time.
Once we were seated in the gorgeous poolside setting, I relaxed a little. "Decided to go back to
brown I see?"
"Yeah. I figured I'd go au natural for the New Year."
"You mean salon-induced au natural?"
Rose flipped me off and stuck her tongue out. "There's brown roots in here somewhere."
"So, what was Bree's issue?"
Rose lowered the menu in her hands and rolled her eyes. "The flowers mom found aren't the
exact shade of purple she wanted. Honestly, I thought my dad was going to have to separate the
two of them."
"So the Smith temper is genetic after all?" I teased.
"It would seem that way."
After the waitress brought our drinks and took our orders, Rose handed me a small gift bag. I
pulled the tissue paper out and reached inside, producing two paperweights. One was shaped
like the Eifel Tower and the other was shaped like an airplane.
"Don't look so excited," Rose teased. I glanced at the items in my hand and back up at her in
"I don't get it."
Rose's eyes lit up with excitement. "I may have arranged us a trip to Paris in May."
"You're kidding, right?" My words came out in a high-pitched squeal.
"Not at all!" Rose propped her elbows on the table and rested her chin against the tops of her
hands. "I booked everything last week. We'll be there for ten nights."
"Who is 'we'?"
"All of us, silly. You, me, Bella, the guys - and of course I couldn't leave Mike and Laurent out!"
My eyes widened and my own excitement level kicked up a notch. "Does anyone else know yet?
I mean, did you check with the guys? Or Mike?"
Rose shook her head and grinned. "Nope. Well, I told Emmett, but that's it. It's meant to be a
holiday surprise for everyone! I figured you and Bella could tell your guys respectively, and I'll
tell Mike when we see him later this week."
"Bella doesn't have a guy. She has a crush."
"Well, she has five months to rectify that situation. And so help me God, if Edward fucks
anything up in the meantime, I'll be throwing his whorish ass off the top of the mother fucking
Eiffel Tower!" Rose slapped her hand against the table, causing our silverware to clank and
several of the other groups of patrons to shoot us dirty looks.
"Do you think you could keep your voice down? I'd like to be allowed to eat here again."
"Oh, hush!" Rose waved her hand dismissively. "You and I both know worse things have been
said here than the word 'fuck'. Have you ever eaten here when Victoria White was present?"
I couldn't help but crack a smile. Money could buy Victoria White a lot of things; class wasn't
one of them. I had to give her credit for trying though. "Vicky is an exception to every rule in
the book."
The waitress dropped our salads off and we dug in.
"So, where's my gift?" A chunk of asparagus flew out of Rose's mouth. I scrunched my nose up
in disgust when she speared the stray veggie with her fork and popped it back in her mouth.
"Right here," I said, reaching in my purse and producing a small, gift-wrapped box. Rose lifted
the box to her ear and shook it gently.
"Whatever it is, it's well padded because it isn't making any noise." She unwrapped the box and
pulled the lid off. A white gold bracelet sat on top of a velvet cushion. Three charms surrounded
the chain – one engraved with the letter 'R,' one that looked like a small handbag, and an open-
heart charm.
"I thought we could start a new tradition." I held up my wrist to show off my own charm
bracelet. "I got one for Bella too. Each year we can exchange a charm; something significant to
that year or to our friendships."
Rose looked up at me and her eyes were brimmed with tears. "This is beautiful, Ali. And that's
such a lovely idea."
"Rosalie Smith, are you choked up?" I winked and squeezed her hand.
"Bitch," she laughed. She put the charms on the chain and I helped her fasten it around her
small wrist.
"I'm fairly certain they make an Eiffel Tower charm. We might have to invest in them after our
Rose leaned across the table and gave me an awkward, one-armed hug. "Thank you, sweetie."
"You're welcome, hun."
We spent the rest of lunch discussing what we'd done for Christmas and how we wanted to
spend our New Years Eve.
"Alright, it's time for New Years resolutions – go!" I pointed at Rose and sipped on my drink.
She thought for a moment. "Shop less. Exercise more. Get engaged."
"Engaged?" I almost choked on my iced tea. "You guys have been together for what, three
"I didn't say I wanted it to happen tomorrow." Rose spun her spoon around between her fingers
absentmindedly. "Later in the year would be preferable."
"Wow. I guess I didn't realize you'd reached that point yet."
"He doesn't know either. In fact, I didn't realize it myself until just a few days ago." Rose had a
dreamy look in her eyes.
"I'm so happy for you, honey." I reached across the table and squeezed her arm once more.
"Promise me I'm in the wedding?"
Rose laughed. "Promise. Your turn – 2012 resolutions a la Alice, take one!"
"Quit smoking. Drink less Starbucks. Get Bella hooked up."
"Let's hope she doesn't end up needing any help in that department." Rose picked up her glass
and held it in the air. "To 2012 – a year filled with happiness, love, and memories."
"Cheers!" I clinked my glass against hers and took a sip of my iced tea.
I was excited. I was scared. I was giddy.
But most of all I was apprehensive.
Deep down inside, I knew that the upcoming year was going to change everything.
Bella's POV
Alice always managed to score an invite to the most awesome New Years Eve parties in town.
Being a firm believer in the idea of sharing, she also always made sure to get Rose and I added
to the guest list.
Today was no different. Felix and Nettie Powell owned a small but successful fashion magazine.
The Erickson family was very close to them, and our firm had been representing them since the
magazine got its start. This year, the couple was hosting their first end-of-year bash at their
posh Upper East Side penthouse. The guest list was fairly small, and consisted mainly of people
from the fashion industry.
The theme for the party was "The Roaring Twenties," and we were all dressed the part. Alice,
Rose, and I wore matching black flapper dress costumes, complete with headbands and vintage
cigarette holders. Jasper and Emmett had on solid black Oxford pants with clean, pressed white
dress shirts and fitted tuxedo jackets. Edward opted to go the 20s gangster route, and wore a
black pinstripe suit with a black vest and a fedora on his head.
We were quite the group to look at as we made our way to our table at dinner.
"It's a shame it's not 1920 anymore, because you look absolutely ravishing!" Mike kissed my
cheek and stepped away so he could look me over. "Where have you been hiding those legs all
these years?"
"They've always been here, Newton. You're just too busy chasing the cock to take notice." I
winked at my friend and took my seat next to him.
"Don't let him fool you." Laurent leaned forward and looked over at me. His smile was so big it
nearly reached his eyes. "He still looks at the ladies every chance he gets. Last week he was
critiquing tits when we were at Saks."
"I couldn't help it!" Mike cringed. "When it comes to boob jobs, there's the good, the bad, and
the ugly. And let me tell you, for being able to afford to shop at Saks, some of these women
had absolutely awful silicone racks."
"Maybe you should start your own blog," Jasper suggested. "You could call it 'Nice Tits or Not-
So-Nice Tits? Mike Answers the Question.'"
"I don't think he needs any encouragement," Alice chided, pinching Jasper's side playfully. He
shrugged and kissed her cheek.
"Yeah, we're trying to tame the beast, not dump gasoline on the fire." Laurent rolled his eyes
and turned to Edward. "Why don't you start the boob blog? You certainly have the experience!"
I covered my mouth to stifle a giggle while the rest of the table burst out laughing.
Edward smirked. "Perhaps that will be the topic of my next book."
"You should probably start looking for a new publicist then," I teased.
"Why's that? You've got some pretty rocking boobs." Rose reached over Edward and attempted
to give me a titty twister. I swatted her hand away and crossed my arms over my chest
"The only boobs I promote are my own, thank you very much!"
The friendly, funny banter only intensified as dinner went on and alcohol was consumed.
"You realize this is the first time we've all had someone to kiss at the stroke of midnight?" Mike
said to me as were piling into the back of an Escalade limo.
"Who says I'll be kissing anyone at midnight?"
"Come the fuck on, Bella. I've seen the way you and Edward have been eye fucking each other
all night. I'm surprised you both still have your clothes on!"
I giggled and looked over my shoulder at Edward. I couldn't deny the effect he had on me – all
of me. From the moment he took his hat off at dinner, revealing his sexy, slicked back hair, I
was a goner. I knew he wasn't immune to this attraction either, as I'd caught him checking out
my legs – and my ass – on more than one occasion.
"See? That's exactly what I'm talking about!" Mike jabbed me in the ribs and leaned in so only I
could hear him. "That mile-high wall of yours – you know, the one around your heart that's
supposed to be 'impenetrable?' Well, it's been crumbling brick-by-brick for the past two months,
and I do believe Edward Cullen is to blame. So, it's time to let the final pieces fall and get with
that man already!"
"But-" Mike reached out and covered my mouth with one hand and used the other to shake his
finger at me.
"No buts! Tomorrow is a new year and that means it's time to make a new start – with him."
Mike nodded at Edward over the top of my head. I stuck my tongue out and blew a raspberry
kiss on his palm. He pulled his hand back and scrunched his face up in disgust.
"Yes, mom," I drawled out sarcastically. Mike stuck his own tongue out at me before focusing
his attention on Laurent.
I looked over at Edward, who was now seated next to me. He smiled and slid his arm around
my waist, pulling me against him and kissing my temple. He smelled like scotch, cinnamon, and
winter air. It was a deliciously dangerous combination that could only belong to him.
Another brick bites the dust.
I imagined what this same scene would look like a year from now if things didn't go anywhere
between Edward and I. His arm would likely be snaked around some other woman's waist. Or,
worse yet, his lips would be glued to hers.
A small fire ignited somewhere deep inside of me, and I recognized the feeling of jealousy as it
fanned its way through my system. I never got jealous, let alone over some image I'd concocted
in my mind.
Maybe Mike was on to something.
When I looked up at him again, there was a deep and intense mixture of emotions burning in
Edward's eyes. My knees felt weak and my heart started thumping wildly in my chest. I was
almost positive the emotion nested in my own eyes rivaled his, but I couldn't even drag mine
away for the ten seconds it would take to check.
"Hi," he whispered, leaning down and pressing his lips against my forehead in a chaste kiss.
"Hi," I whispered back.
He pulled me a bit closer to him and brushed my hair behind my ear. Seconds later I felt his hot
breath on my neck. "Happy New Year, Bella."
I leaned back and looked at him in confusion. "It's not midnight yet, dork!"
His smirk – and his eyes – was filled with mischief. "I know, but I plan on having both our
mouths occupied at midnight."
I licked my lips and laughed nervously. "What exactly will my mouth be occupied with?"
"I haven't quite decided yet." He traced the outline of my collarbone and nipped my earlobe
gently. "But I promise you, Ms. Swan, I won't disappoint."
Tingles transformed into sparks, which quickly ignited into full-blown flames.
I wanted Edward Cullen to be mine.
Only mine.
Just like that the last brick in my carefully constructed wall slipped away.
Edward's POV
At a quarter to midnight I decided I needed to talk to Bella about "us."
I had two problems on my hands, however: I couldn't find Bella and I wasn't even sure there
was an us to begin with.
After spending the tail end of her Christmas trip exchanging flirtatious text messages, I figured
now was as good of a time as ever to discuss the possibility of being … exclusive? Monogamous?
In a relationship?
It was a good thing I had a few drinks in me, because I had no idea how to even approach this
topic. I felt like I was in high school all over again, making a play for the girl who was so hot
most of the guys couldn't even speak to her.
No. Fucking. Way.
Riley Biers sauntered up to me with the shit-eating grin he saved for me plastered to his face.
His bloodshot eyes danced wickedly as he took in my outfit for the evening.
"Riley. Always a pleasure." I didn't bother feigning politeness. This bridge was burnt long before
he and I ever actually met.
"I didn't expect to see you at this type of party!" He drained the last few drops of his drink and
swirled the ice cubes around in the glass. "I pegged you as more of the dance club type. You
know, the ones where the women are as cheap as the drinks."
I laughed bitterly. "I expect more than that from you, Biers. Christ, the last time we crossed
paths you at least had some good expletives thrown in there."
"The last time we crossed paths you were still trying to convince my wife that there was a shred
of decency in you."
Three months ago, this would have sent me over the edge. Now it was more of an annoyance
than anything.
"You managed to pull the wool over her eyes. Can you blame me for trying? Where is your wife
tonight anyway?"
"At home. The whole party scene isn't her thing these days." He shook his head and chuckled.
"You always were a sore loser. How many girls do you have in your rotation these days? Five?
"Oh, that's rich. Really, Cullen, you don't have to try and impress me."
"You're the last person I feel the need to impress. In fact, I would much rather go out of my way
not to impress you." I looked past Riley and noticed Alice and Rose watching us. I said a silent
prayer that one of them would pick up on the tension and alert Jasper or Emmett.
I was a lot of things. Too prim and proper not to start a fight at an Upper East Side party was
not one of them.
"So if you really narrowed it down to just one woman, then where is she? Surely she wouldn't
miss the chance to be seen in public with such a well-known playboy as yourself!"
Great. How the fuck am I going to weasel my way out of this one?
"She's right here." Bella sidled up next to me and grabbed my hand in hers.
Riley looked back and forth between Bella and I before his gaze finally settled on our joined
hands. He took a step back and narrowed his eyes. "She's your fucking publicist. Give me a
"She's my fucking girlfriend," I hissed. Bella stiffened next to me and I immediately regretted
the words. I didn't want to be presumptuous, nor did I want her to think I was just using her to
save face.
Bella returned Riley's glare with one of her own. "Who are you, exactly?"
"Riley Biers." He stuck his hand out, but Bella didn't move an inch. "Perhaps I'm better known as
the thorn in Edward's side."
"That's funny." Bella smiled sweetly and squeezed my hand. "The last time I checked, there
were no thorns in his side."
"Oh, and I imagine you've done your fair share of … checking."
WHACK! Bella's palm collided with Riley's smirk-clad face.
She's certainly good at that.
"I believe that's your cue to get home and give your wife a midnight kiss." I said, wrapping my
arm around Bella's shoulders and pulling her tight against me.
"That sounds like a fabulous idea." Bella smiled sweetly once again and winked at me. "I believe
I have my own kiss to tend to."
"You two fucking deserve one another," Riley muttered angrily. He turned and stomped his way
through the party and out the door.
"Two minutes to the countdown!" someone shouted.
I turned to face Bella and rested my forearms on her shoulders. "Thank you."
"You're welcome," she whispered, reaching up to adjust the front of my Fedora.
"I'm sorry if the whole 'girlfriend' thing freaked you out."
Her eyes scanned my face, searching for something I didn't quite know how to deliver. "It didn't
freak me out."
She shook her head. "Actually, I liked it."
My jaw started to drop but I caught myself.
"Don't act so surprised, Cullen. I know I'm not the only one who's felt the … sparks, for lack of a
better term."
I chuckled. "No, no you're not. I guess I just didn't expect this," I gestured to the small space
between us, "to happen so soon, if ever at all."
Bella stared at me for a moment and then broke out laughing.
"What's so funny?"
"The ball's about to drop you guys!" Alice handed us each a noisemaker.
"TEN! NINE! EIGHT…" voices throughout the room began shouting out the count down.
She laced her fingers together behind my neck and pulled my head toward her until our
foreheads were touching. "Is this your weird way of asking me to be your girlfriend?"
"What would say if I told you it was?" I snaked my arms around her waist and pulled her body
flush against mine. Her brown eyes sparkled with excitement.
"First I'd make fun of you," she teased, rubbing her nose against mine and grinning. "Then I'd
tell you that I'd love to be your girlfriend."
Her words were like a match; they lit every part of me with a feeling that I hadn't allowed
myself to feel for years.
"I guess that means I get to cash in on that midnight kiss."
She cocked her head to the side until her lips were hovering right above mine. "I guess it does."
The moment our lips met, everything around us seemed to stop. People tossed balloons and
confetti in the air, Auld Lang Syne blared through the stereo, and noisemakers went off left and
right, but I didn't even register any of it. The only thing I felt was Bella's soft, warm skin
beneath my lips and fingers. The only thing I heard was the low moan she let out when I slid my
tongue against hers in a slow and exquisite dance. The only thing I tasted was her. This kiss was
all-consuming, swallowing up every one of my senses and rendering me helpless.
"Happy New Year," Bella whispered breathlessly when we finally came up for air.
"Happy New Year." I cupped her face with my hands and peppered kisses across her cheeks and
nose. "Here's to an amazing 2012."
She blushed. "It's certainly off to an amazing start."
"Yes it is." I pulled her against me and buried my face in her hair.
I had a feeling 2012 was going to go down in history as the year that Bella Swan completely and
utterly came to own me.
-=- HC -=-
It wasn't long after midnight when Bella and I left the party.
As soon as we were inside my apartment, Bella slipped her shoes and coat off and dropped her
purse on the floor. She stretched her arms over her head and walked across the room, pushing
the curtains back and leaning against the window. The lights of the city created the perfect
backdrop for her small silhouette. I reached up and undid the first few buttons on my shirt, then
kicked off my own shoes. I took a deep breath and sauntered across the room, stopping when I
was just inches behind her.
I reached my hand out and pushed her hair away before brushing my lips softly against her
neck. Bella sighed and placed her hands on the window, tilting her head to the side. I ran my
tongue along the shell of her ear and nibbled her earlobe gently. Her skin peppered with small
goose bumps and she let out a barely audible moan.
"May I?" I whispered, tugging lightly on the zipper of her dress. She nodded silently and I pulled
it down. Her creamy white skin almost looked sparkly in the moonlight, and I chuckled to myself
as I remembered the cheesy text message I'd sent her when she was in Washington.
"What's so funny?" she asked, glancing at me over her bare shoulder. I slid my hands inside her
dress so they were resting gently over her ribs and cleared my throat.
"I called you a sparkly one last weekend," I murmured, burying my face in her hair and moving
my hands up until the edges of my fingers grazed the bottom of her breasts. She let out an
awkward half-giggle half-groan and leaned into me. I smiled against her head and move my
hands up further, rolling her nipples between my fingers and tugging on them gently.
"As long as you keep that up, you can call me whatever you want," she whispered. I pulled my
hands away and used them to push her dress down, leaving her standing in nothing but a pair of
lacy red panties.
"You're so beautiful," I breathed, running my fingertips along the curves of her back and over
her ass. She turned to face me and smiled, reaching up and popping the next few buttons on my
shirt. I dropped my hands to my side and tipped my head back as she pushed my shirt over my
shoulders. I shook my arms until the fabric dropped to the floor by my feet.
Bella ran her tongue along my jaw and tugged at the bottom of my t-shirt. "Lift," she instructed,
pushing up on my arms. I was more than happy to oblige, but by the time she got the thin
garment up and over my head, I couldn't keep my hands off of her.
I dipped my head and circled her nipple with the tip of my tongue. She slid her fingers through
my hair and tugged at it roughly. I closed my lips around her delicate pink skin and sucked
hard, eliciting a gasp of pleasure.
I used my free hand to cup her sex, running my finger along the sensitive strip of skin where
her leg joined her body. She shivered beneath me and giggled.
"That tickles," she said. I grinned against her skin. "Please stop teasing me."
"This teases you?" I dragged my finger oh-so-slowly across her skin once more, delighting in the
way she squirmed beneath my touch. Her breaths were coming fast and hard, even though I
hadn't yet touched her where she wanted.
"Edward." She tightened her grip on my hair, inflicting a nice mixture of pleasure and pain.
"Shhh." I engulfed her mouth with a kiss. My hands slid down beneath her knees and I picked
her up.
Bella shook her head and pulled away from me. "Not the bed. Here."
I looked over her shoulder and out the window. Surprisingly enough, in all the years I'd been
bringing women back to this apartment I had yet to take one of them against the floor-to-ceiling
Then again, I wasn't 'taking' anything from Bella. I was giving myself to her. My whole self this
"Here?" I asked, pushing her up against the window and hooking my fingers in the sides of her
"Yes," she breathed, nipping at my neck and pulling her hips back so I could remove the lacy
barrier. Mid-thigh I lost my patience and fisted her panties, tugging roughly and tearing them off
of her.
Bella braced herself against the window and reached down to undo my belt. She pushed my
pants and boxer briefs down just far enough for my erection to spring free before wrapping her
arms around my neck and pulling me to her for another hot kiss.
I kept one arm secured around her waist and the other hand pressed flat against the window. I
lifted her up and aligned our bodies. I could feel how ready she was as I thrust up into her.
"Uhhhh." She pulled her mouth away and let out a throaty moan. Her fingers dug into my
shoulder blades and I tightened my grip on her waist. I moved faster with each long, hard
stroke, bringing us both closer to the edge.
"So close, so close, so close," she mumbled incoherently, dropping her forehead to my shoulder
and letting her arms fall to her sides. I moved my hand between us and rubbed my thumb
against her sensitive, swollen bundle of nerves. Her hands were on me again, gripping my
forearms tightly as she found her release.
A thin layer of sweat coated each of us, and her body started to slide against the glass with
each of my powerful thrusts. I knew I couldn't hold out much longer, but I wanted to savor
every minute of this. This meant something more to me than the last few times we'd been
together. We weren't just bed buddies anymore. We were in over our heads now, submerged in
territory that I guessed was new for both of us.
"Bella," I moaned, biting down gently on her shoulder. My movements became erratic and
finally my hips stilled as I found my own release deep inside her.
I wasn't sure how long we stayed in this position before I finally carried her to the bedroom and
slowly lifted her off of me. Bella sunk down on my bed and flung her arms over her head,
smiling blissfully at me.
"I'll be right back," I said, heading for the bathroom. I returned a few minutes later and found
her snuggled up beneath my sheets.
I pulled the covers back and climbed in next to her. She scooted toward me until her back was
flush with my chest. I slid my arm over her waist and loosely entwined our fingers.
"Happy New Year," I whispered, nuzzling the back of her neck and kissing the soft flesh I had
bitten earlier. She yawned and gave me a lazy smile over her shoulder.
"Happy New Year, Edward."
2012 would definitely be an incredible year.
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