Chapter Song: Lay Your Cards Out by Polica
Characters belong to SM and the Mall of America belongs to its rightful owners (thank fuck
because I despise that place). Any Minnesotanisms and the rest of the plot belong to me. ;)
Chapter 19 – Minneapolis
Bella's POV
Chicago got a ridiculous amount of snow.
Minnesota, on the other hand, was just plain ridiculously cold.
"Do you think that's enough layers?" Edward was sitting on the edge of the bed in our hotel
room watching in amusement as I put a long-sleeved button up shirt over the camisole and t-
shirt I already had on.
I shook my head and grabbed my hooded sweatshirt off a nearby chair. "I'd rather be over
prepared than risk freezing my ass off."
"That's why I'm here, baby. I'd never let you freeze your ass off. Just think of me as your own
personal space heater."
I zipped my sweatshirt and glanced at him out of the corner of my eye. "Please tell me you did
not just say that."
Edward laughed and stood up, handing me my coat. "Oh, you better believe I did."
"Are you beefing up the cheesiness for any particular reason?" I asked, tugging on my hat and
mittens. Edward opened the door and gestured for me to exit ahead of him.
"Cheesiness has been known to help guys get lucky you know."
"Name one time you've ever had to act sappy to 'get lucky'." My fingers curled into air quotes.
"Well, um…" Edward made a show of thinking about his answer. "High school?"
"I mean in the last decade."
"Are you doubting my ability to charm the ladies?" He arched his eyebrows and crossed his
arms over his chest.
I couldn't help but laugh. "Not at all. It certainly wasn't your classy behavior that lured me in."
Edward slid into the car next to me and smirked. "Was there something in your coffee this
morning that you aren't telling me about? You've got the wit cranked up about five extra notches
"I blame the cold."
The drive to the University of Minnesota was peppered with Friday afternoon traffic, giving
Edward and I plenty of time to take in the sights outside. The Minneapolis skyline was beautiful,
especially set out against the snowy white landscape. We arrived at the Carlson School of
Management building with just enough time for me to smoke a cigarette before we went inside.
"Have you ever considered quitting?" Edward asked, pointing at my cigarette.
I nodded. "Many times. It's on my resolution list again this year."
"Perhaps we need to outfit you with one of those electronic cigarette things."
"I'm willing to try anything once," I said with a shrug.
When I was finished, Edward led me inside to the lecture hall he was scheduled to speak in. I
flitted around, checking to make sure there were enough handouts and that the accompanying
PowerPoint was set up correctly. At ten minutes to six I made my way to the back of the room
and shrugged out of my coat, taking a seat and getting ready to watch my boyfriend shine once
A portly man stepped up to the podium and tapped his finger against the microphone. "Good
evening students, alumni, and guests. Tonight we have a very special guest here at Carlson, one
that traveled all the way from the Big Apple to share his knowledge with us. He's the author of
Invest Today, Retire Tomorrow: Financial Stability for Today's Millennials, and one of the many
minds that navigates Wall Street every day. Please give a warm, Minnesota welcome to Mr.
Edward Cullen."
I clapped along with the rest of the crowd while Edward shook the hand of the man who
introduced him. Soon he was standing behind the podium adjusting his tie and preparing to
"Good evening and welcome," Edward began, flashing the group of people before him his
always-dazzling smile. "Before I say anything more, I just want to thank the U of M for having
me come here tonight, and all of you for taking time out of your schedules to come out and hear
what I have to say. I'm almost positive there's a hundred more interesting things to do in this
town than sit and listen to a New Yorker babble about finance – even when it's colder than the
Arctic Circle outside!"
A few audience members chuckled before he continued. "When I started college over a decade
ago, there were two things on my mind: beer and women. College debt was the last thing I
cared about, especially when Friday night rolled around and the doors to a dozen or so house
parties opened up." I couldn't help but smile as I rolled my eyes. I'd heard some variation of this
introduction when we were in Chicago, and it was having the same effect on the audience as it
did there; the students were laughing and giving one another fist bumps, the parents were
shaking their heads while trying to hide the fact that they could relate on some level, and
everyone else was looking on nostalgically.
"My parents have always been planners, and thanks to them I didn't walk away with a mountain
of debt when I got my degree. Not everyone is fortunate like that though, and that's why I'm
here tonight. Now, let's warm up with a show of hands – how many of you have actually read
the book?"
I listened to the first portion of Edward's speech before allowing my mind to wander. We were
only two stops in on the tour, which meant that we still had a little over a month left to spend
together away from New York. The thought made me smile, but at the same time I felt a tiny
pang of sadness in my gut at the idea of waking up alone again when we returned to life in the
city. As much as I hated to admit it, Edward's constant presence was growing on me. I'd always
been an independent woman, and the idea of one man breaking all that down in a matter of
weeks scared me.
He's not breaking anything down you dork – you're falling in love with him.
The thought left me confused. Falling in love after only a few weeks? My mind was far less
romantic than my heart, and right now it was dead set on that idea being completely crazy.
It wasn't crazy, however. It actually made some sense to me. Things hadn't exactly moved at
lighting speed between us. We spent months doing a cat-and-mouse chase with one another
before making anything official, and I couldn't deny the fact that my feelings had been
continuously evolving during that time as well.
Watching Edward speak unleashed a new and exciting feeling in my chest; one that I hadn't felt
for any man before – not even the two I knew I'd been 'in love' with.
Suddenly I was no longer in the lecture hall, but back in New York, waiting outside of our
apartment for him to come home from work. The diamond on my left hand reflected the glow
from the streetlight above, and when he stepped out of the back of the Lincoln he handed me a
bouquet of Calla Lilies and whispered "happy anniversary baby" in my ear.
New York vanished and Punta Cana took its place. An alter on the sand, Edward in a tux, me in
a flowing white dress, and our friends laughing and spinning around on the beach beside us. Two
"I dos," one long kiss, and a haphazard bouquet toss later we joined our families at the
beachside bar to celebrate.
Just like that Punta Cana was gone, only to be replaced with Forks. I helped Renee in the kitchen
while Edward and Charlie watched the Thanksgiving Day game. Renee squeezed my arm and
told me she's never seen me so happy before. I smiled shyly back at her, rubbing my stomach
and telling her we had a soon-to-be new addition to be happy about.
"I'll be doing a book signing tomorrow morning at ten at the Mall of America. Please come out
and say hi if you if you have the chance. Thank you once again." The sound of Edward's voice
followed by loud clapping forced me back to reality. I blinked my eyes a few times until the
lecture hall came into focus and looked up to find him grinning from ear-to-ear. I stood and
smiled, clapping wildly myself and making my way to the front of the room.
"Where were you?" Edward whispered when I was within earshot.
"Back row, last seat on the right," I teased.
"Let me rephrase myself; where was your mind?"
I shrugged. "New York, Forks … somewhere." I reached out and took his hand in mine,
squeezing it affectionately. "You were amazing, as always."
"You're my publicist. You get paid to say that."
"Actually I have to say it because I'm your girlfriend." I stuck my tongue out and gave him a
quick peck on the cheek. "I'll be waiting outside," I said, motioning to the hallway. Edward
continued to work his magic, talking to some of the university staff and answering questions for
the audience members that lingered.
I let my thoughts return to their previous location as I got my coat and mittens on. I knew I'd
considered my potential future with both Seth and Ben, but only Edward managed to stir up the
vivid images that had passed through my mind minutes ago.
Our relationship, though only in its infantile stages, was already so different and so much more
… serious than my previous two. When it came time to tell both men from my past how I truly
felt, I'd been so apprehensive that I ended up blathering out a mouthful of word vomit before
even getting my feelings across. I ended up feeling – and probably looking – like an idiot when
the experience was supposed to be happy and romantic.
With Edward, I felt no apprehension whatsoever. I was ready to climb up a mountain and shout
my feelings out so that everyone could hear them.
As I watched Edward stride toward me, all smirk, suit, tousled hair, and practically oozing sex, I
knew exactly what I needed to do.
I was going to tell Edward that I loved him.
And I was going to do it before we left Minneapolis.
Edward's POV
"Thank you for coming out today," I said, closing the book's cover and sliding it across the table.
The middle-aged woman standing before me smiled and tucked it beneath her arm.
"I couldn't miss it after hearing you speak yesterday." She slipped a wayward curl behind her
ear and shifted nervously. "My son starts college this fall and he needs all the help he can get."
I laughed. "Best of luck to him."
Five more books accompanied by five similar exchanges and then the line was gone. Bella sat in
a chair off to my left, chatting with one of the Mall of America PR reps.
"I think that's a wrap," I said, standing and stretching my arms over my head. Bella took the
Sharpie marker I was holding and stuffed it in her purse.
"Thank you so much for organizing this," Bella said, shaking the employee's hand and smiling.
"The pleasure is all ours. Is there anything else I can assist you with while you're here?"
"Where's the best place to get lunch in this mall?" I asked.
"Well, that depends on what you're in the mood for. There's a pretty good mix of places here.
Italian, American, Asian … Name your poison and I'll try to steer you in the right direction."
"Italian," Bella said instantly.
"What the lady said," I laughed.
"Tucci Benucch is the place to go for good Italian." The employee pointed toward the amusement
park in the center of the mall. "Walk straight across there and it'll be on the other side, in the
West Market."
I shook hands with her and we said our goodbyes before Bella and I headed off for lunch. After
we were seated and had placed two orders for baked spaghetti, we began discussing what we
wanted to do for the rest of our time in Minneapolis.
"We already have plans for tonight," Bella said matter-of-factly.
"We do?"
She nodded and a smile crept across her face. "I have a little surprise in store for you. Let's just
hope you like it."
"Well if it's anything like that suitcase, I can guarantee you I'll enjoy it."
Bella rolled her eyes and pulled an ice cube out of her water glass, tossing it at me playfully.
"I'm going to conveniently 'forget' that suitcase at one of these stops."
"Oh no you're not." I shook my head dramatically. "I'll resort to drastic measures to ensure that
thing survives the entire trip."
She sighed and slapped her palm against her forehead. "Why, why, why do my friends have to
do these things to me?"
"Because they love you," I pointed out. "Now, back to this surprise."
Bella was about to say something when her phone buzzed. She dug it out of her purse and
swiped her fingers across the screen, breaking out in a big smile.
"Jasper got a new job!"
Since when was Jasper looking for a new job?
"Did he text you?"
She shook her head and typed a return message, then placed the phone on the table and looked
up at me. "It was Alice."
I pushed my spaghetti around with my fork, wondering why my best friend wouldn't have said
anything to me. We'd only been out of town for a week, so I knew this wasn't a last-minute
thing. As chick-like as it seemed, I couldn't help but feel a bit wounded by the fact that he didn't
want to share his excitement with me.
"Did she say where it's at?"
"I just asked her that," Bella said. Her phone buzzed once more. "That's probably her now."
I flagged down our waiter and ordered another drink. Bella's eyes grew wide and her mouth fell
"He's the new sports editor for GQ."
My fork fell from between my fingers and clattered against my plate loudly. "Wait, where did
you say he's working?"
"GQ," she repeated, cocking her head to the side and staring confusedly at me. "He's a sports
editor there. He starts in two weeks."
That would be precisely why he didn't tell you.
"Will you excuse me for a minute?" I tugged the napkin off my lap and deposited it on top of the
table, giving Bella no time to answer before I was out of the booth and in the crowded mall
corridor. I dialed Jasper's number and waited through three rings. I was about to hang up when
he answered.
"Edward! What's up man? How's Minneapolis?" There was no way he knew that Alice had told
Bella. He sounded far too upbeat and not nearly nervous enough.
"When were you planning on telling me you applied for a position at GQ?" Why beat around the
bush when I could cut right to the chase?
My question was met with a long pause.
"I was planning on telling you after you got back from the book tour, Edward." Jasper sighed
and I could picture his exasperated expression. "I didn't want to piss you off and then have Bella
suffer the consequences for the rest of your time away."
"This is something that has to do with you and I, not Bella. Although if you didn't want Bella
involved you probably should have told Alice not to break the news."
"Really Edward, this is something that deals with me. Not you, not Bella, not Alice … just me."
My jaw fell in shock. "How could you even say this has nothing to do with me? Look at who
you'll be working with!"
"Thanks for showing me the support a best friend is supposed to, Edward," Jasper spit out.
"Perhaps I'd be more inclined to show you support if you weren't going to be spending Monday
through Friday with the woman who broke my fucking heart!"
"Give me a break, Cullen! She's one of a hundred people in that office. It's not like I'll be
working alongside her constantly."
"No, but you're both editors, so I'm sure you'll have an adequate amount of time to share."
"Oh my god man, do you want any more straws to grasp at?" Jasper paused and lowered his
voice. "It's been almost ten years since everything went down. The world hasn't stopped yet for
you, Edward. It sure as hell isn't going to now."
"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" I was gripping my phone so tightly I thought I might
break it.
"It means you've got something good with Bella and it's time to get over the past and move into
the fucking present!"
"Oh, I'm in the present all right; in the present where my so-called best friend hides information
from me." On the other end of the line, Jasper let out a whoop of laughter, which only fueled the
hurt-induced anger I felt. "That's great, Whitlock. Let's all just laugh it up."
"What else am I supposed to do, Edward? You're acting like a crazy person." Jasper sighed.
"Look, when you're capable of discussing this like a rational human being, then feel free to call
me. I'm not going to sit here and waste my time explaining myself to you when I don't owe
anyone an explanation."
The line went dead before I had a chance to respond.
I shoved my cell phone back in my pocket and stomped into the restaurant. Bella was busy
signing the credit receipt for our bill and having the waitress pack our leftovers up into doggy
"I didn't know how long you were going to be, so I figured I'd take care of the check." Her brown
eyes met mine and she smiled softly. "Do you want to talk about whatever is wrong?"
I ran a hand through my hair and rolled my eyes. "Honestly? No, I don't. Did you call the car to
pick us up?"
She looked like I'd slapped her. "Uh, yeah, it's waiting downstairs by the light rail terminal."
"Great." I grabbed my to-go box and turned hastily. I knew I was being an ass, and that Bella
didn't deserve to be the target of my anger, but I just couldn't stop myself. "Coming?"
She stood and grabbed her own to-go box, brushing past me and heading for the door. I
immediately felt guilty, and jogged after her.
"I'm sorry," I mumbled, falling into step beside her.
"You should be sorry." She turned and grabbed the sleeve of my shirt, pulling me off into the
doorway of a nearby store and out of the flow of traffic. "You can get pissed at whoever you
want, but you don't get to take that out on me. Got it?"
I couldn't help the smile that started to form on my lips. Her "I-take-no-shit" attitude was one of
the things I liked most about Bella. "Got it."
"I obviously don't expect you to offer me details that you aren't comfortable with, but you could
certainly express that in a respectful way." Bella led me outside to the waiting Lincoln. We got
in back and dropped our food onto the seat between us.
"I know, and I really am sorry. The last thing I want to do is shit on the mood, especially if you
have something special planned for us."
"Thank you," she said, giving me a tiny smile.
I forced myself to return her smile, though it didn't take long for my thoughts to steer
themselves in the wrong direction.
I felt like my world was turning upside down and there wasn't a damn thing I could do to stop it.
Jasper was working with Jessica. Jessica fucking Stanley of all people.
To make matters worse, I had to find out through Bella, who had to hear it from Alice. My best
friend couldn't even call me himself and set the record straight.
Before long he'd be going to company happy hours with Jessica. Then Alice would meet Jessica
and they would become friends, and that meant Bella would probably end up meeting her too. If
she hasn't met her already, a taunting voice in the back of my mind chimed in. For all I knew
Bella could have met Jessica while working on numerous projects with GQ.
The over-active wheels of my imagination continued to spin until I was imagining having to
spend guy's nights with Riley Biers.
Yes, the universe was definitely out of whack right now.
I sighed and rested my forehead against the Lincoln's window.
There were approximately five weeks left on the book tour.
That meant I had five weeks to get my shit together and figure out how to not to let this bother
me when I returned to New York.
Four hours later I was sick as a dog.
The only explanation I could come up with was that it was a classic example of karma in action.
"Are you feeling alright?" Bella stood across the room staring at me. She'd changed into a pair
of skin-tight jeans and a Minnesota Wild hockey jersey. I wanted to appreciate how good she
looked; how the denim hugged her hips and the way several sexy tendrils of hair had fallen
loose from her ponytail.
I couldn't appreciate anything at the moment, however, because I was doubled over in pain on
the edge of the bed.
"My stomach is killing me," I mumbled, wrapping my arms tightly around my midsection.
"Do you need to see a doctor?" Bella took a seat next to me and rubbed her hand in circles
around my back.
I shook my head. "That's not necessary."
"Is there anything I can do?"
"Watch out!" I jumped up and made a beeline for the bathroom, where I proceeded to empty the
contents of my stomach into the toilet. I grabbed a washcloth off the edge of the sink and wiped
my mouth, then stood and took a look at myself in the mirror. My skin was pasty white and
covered with a thin layer of sweat. I turned the faucet on and splashed some cold water on my
Bella looked concerned when I emerged. "You look awful, Edward. You should probably lie
I toed off my sneakers and nodded in agreement. "This probably ruins your surprise," I said,
peeling my jeans and t-shirt off and dropping them on the floor. I climbed into the bed and
pulled the covers up around me. I was freezing despite the fact that my skin felt like it was on
"Eh, we can watch the game here instead." Bella scooted across the bed until her back was flush
with the headboard. She grabbed the TV remote and flipped it to one of the sports networks,
then threw a sideways glance at me. "I should probably go find a thermometer and some Sprite
or something. You really don't look good."
"You don't have to go anywhere," I protested. I'd always been somewhat of a mama's boy when
it came to illness. I hated being alone when I was sick, and nine times out of ten I'd end up at
my parent's house, vegetating on their couch and letting Esme cook for me.
Bella stood and slipped her feet into her boots. "There's a supermarket less than a mile from
here. I won't be gone long." She was out the door before I could whine any more.
I rolled over and closed my eyes. I was half tempted to call Jasper and apologize, but I didn't
know if I should do it so soon. At the end of the day, he was right when he said I had a good
thing with Bella. There was no reason for me to even think about Jessica, and truth be told she
hadn't crossed my mind more than once or twice since the New Years party.
There was also no reason for me to be upset by the fact that my best friend would be working in
the same office as her. Yes, they'd see each other, and they may even engage in a civilized
conversation once in a while, but when it came down to it that didn't matter.
I was the one who had the bad history with Jess, not Jasper. Besides, it wasn't like he was
signing up to become her best friend or anything.
The more I thought about it, the more I realized how angry I was with myself. My own hard
headedness was now causing my closest friends to withhold information from me. Not to
mention the knowledge of my obsessive thoughts would probably piss Bella off royally. Here I
was trying so hard to prove that I could be a different man, and the entire time my mind was
wrapped around all this hostility toward a woman I hadn't seen in almost ten years.
I climbed out of bed and retrieved my cell phone. Once I was settled back under the covers, I
started to dial Jasper's number. Just then the door latch clicked and Bella walked in carrying
several bags.
"That was quick." I dropped my phone and propped myself up on my elbows, watching as she
emptied a plastic bag on the bed.
"I told you it wasn't far away." Bella picked up a thermometer and ripped the packaging off of it.
"I got you some Pepto and a few cans of soup, plus some crackers and ginger ale. It's not much,
but it's what my Grandma Swan used to give me when I got a stomach bug, and it always
worked like a charm."
I cracked a weak smile. "You're a sweetheart."
She shrugged. "It's nothing really. Now, open up." Bella eased the thermometer beneath my
tongue and watched me carefully until it beeped. She grabbed it and wiped it with a tissue
before reading the digital number. "Well, your temperature is only 99.5, so I think it's safe to
say you only have a minor stomach bug."
"You're not going to make me call you Dr. Bella from here on out are you?" I joked. She rolled
her eyes and set to work microwaving me some soup.
"Well, now that you mentioned it…" She removed the coffee mug the soup was in from the
microwave and placed it on the nightstand next to me, along with a can of ginger ale and a
handful of crackers.
"I should know better than to vocalize these thoughts," I mumbled, dipping a cracker in the
soup. I glanced over at Bella, getting my first good look at the back of her jersey. "CULLEN" was
printed across the back in big cream-colored letters above the number seven. "You had a jersey
custom made for tonight? That's hot as fucking hell."
Bella plopped down on the bed next to me and shook her head. "I don't mean to burst your
bubble, but this is an authentic jersey. There's nothing custom about it."
"Aww shucks." I snapped my fingers and pouted. "Here I thought I was special."
"You are special," she said, reaching over and pinching my nose. "In that cocky, Wall Street
kinda way."
I sat up and grabbed my soup. "I'm glad you haven't forgotten just how arrogant I am."
"Could I ever?" she teased.
"Thank you for the soup, by the way."
"Anytime." Bella grabbed the remote and turned up the TV volume. The Wild game was just
starting, and the excitement was rolling off my girlfriend in waves.
"What caused you to become such a hockey enthusiast?"
"My college boyfriend." Her voice contained no hurt or anger. I took that as a sign that I could
proceed with the conversation.
"Did he play?"
Bella shook her head. "No, but he was from Wisconsin and pretty much worshipped the Chicago
Blackhawks. I can't even remember the number of nights we spent in various bars or at his
place watching games."
"How long were you together?"
She stared up at the ceiling and thought for a moment. "Almost three years." She turned to face
me and smiled. "Just to save time on this round of twenty questions - no it did not end badly
and yes we still talk occasionally. He lives in Ohio with his wife and two kids now."
Too bad we can't all have that kind of luck with past relationships.
I was still curious. "What about post-college boyfriends? Were there many of those?"
"Just one. Well, two if you count yourself." Bella's gaze went back to the TV.
"Can I ask what happened?"
She sighed and pulled her knees to her chest. "There's really not much to tell. He was a
musician, and had all the charm and good looks anyone could ask for. Things seemed perfect,
everyone was convinced we'd end up hitched, and then it all fell apart. He moved to Chicago, I
chose to stay in Manhattan, and the door slammed shut on that chapter of my life."
My stomach churned. I couldn't imagine doing anything to deliberately hurt Bella, even though
the intention had been there when Jasper and I first struck up the bet. "I'm sorry."
Bella turned to face me again and rested her cheek against her knees. "There's no need to be
sorry. Life moves forward, people change, and relationships evolve. Not everyone is meant to
stick around forever."
I kept my eyes locked on hers, wondering what other secrets and stories were hiding behind
them. When meeting her gaze became too uncomfortable I looked away and brought my hands
up to rest between my head and the headboard. "How long ago did he move away?"
"He left a little over two years ago," Bella answered.
"Were you together for a long time?"
Bella shrugged. "Ben and I were together for three years. Just like Seth and I."
"In other words, when we cross the thirty-six month threshold I should start to worry." My joke
was met with a punch to the shoulder.
"Really funny, ass." Buzzers went off on the TV, indicating the Wild had scored a goal. A second
and third buzzer followed close behind the first one.
I saw this as the perfect opportunity for me to change the subject. "I think your boys just scored
a goal."
"A goal? A GOAL? They just scored three of them in less than a minute!" Bella jumped off the
bed and twirled around, clapping her hands and cheering excitedly. I wasn't feeling well at all,
but just watching her made my blood pressure rise a few notches.
"If I wasn't afraid of expelling my soup all over that jersey, I'd get up and give you a hug."
"Please, spare me and we'll pretend you did the happy hockey dance alongside me." Bella
crossed the room and pulled a six pack of beer out of one of her shopping bags. "Did I mention
there is also a liquor store within walking distance?"
"Hey, who's going to babysit my ass if you get drunk?"
"You're not dying, Cullen, and I'm fairly certain you haven't required a babysitter for at least two
decades." She tipped the beer back and drained half of it in one gulp.
"Let's hope you're right about that." I slid back under the covers and rested my head on the
"Is the TV too loud? I can turn it down."
"No, no, no." I shook my head and rolled onto my side. "I could sleep through an earthquake if
necessary. I'm sorry I had to ruin the evening though."
Bella squeezed my shoulder gently. "You didn't ruin anything, Cullen. You do, however, owe me
a drunken night filled with hockey at some point in this relationship."
I laughed. "I think I can manage that."
A buzzer went off again and Bella shouted at the TV. "C'mon Harding! You're supposed to block
the fucking puck!"
I smiled and pulled the covers up around my chin.
My dreams that night consisted of Bella playing hockey in nothing but her Cullen Wild jersey.
Bella's POV
When I emerged from the shower on Sunday evening, I was positive I'd stepped into the wrong
hotel room.
All of the lights were off, but Edward had placed Mike's scented candles around the room,
leaving everything illuminated in a soft orange glow. Jazz music was playing quietly from the
bedside radio, and the bottles of massage oil I'd dreaded seeing a few weeks earlier were sitting
on the nightstand.
"Like what you see," Edward asked. He was seated on the edge of the bed, stripped down to
only his boxer briefs.
I nodded and took a deep breath, hugging the towel I wore tighter around me. "What is all of
this? You're supposed to be sick."
"I'm feeling much better today and you deserve a night of pampering." He stood and opened his
arms. I willed my feet to move, one in front of the other until his arms closed around me and
pulled my body flush against his. He lowered his head and brushed his lips chastely against my
cheek. His breath was hot and heavy on my skin when he spoke. "This is my way of saying 'I'm
sorry' for acting like an ass at lunch yesterday. You've been nothing but amazing to me, Bella,
and I want you to know that."
I leaned back and looked into his eyes. The words I wanted to say danced across my tongue and
on to my lips. I wasn't into fairytales like Alice. I knew there was no such thing as the "perfect
time" to profess your feelings to someone. The atmosphere around us – the candles, the music,
the look in Edward's eyes and the feel of his skin on mine – made the moment seem perfect,
I opened my mouth to tell him how I felt, but Edward covered my lips with his index finger and
whispered, "Shhh." He backed away from me and tugged on the edge of my towel until it fell to
the floor. Edward motioned for me to get on the bed. Without any words I climbed on, laying
down on my stomach and resting my cheek against the soft, plush pillow.
Edward slid his hand under the pillow and produced a silk blindfold. My eyes grew wide and he
smiled in amusement. "It will heighten your senses," he explained, brushing my hair away from
my face and slipping the fabric beneath my head. He tied it loosely and backed away.
The temporary loss of sight was a new experience for me, and I didn't know what to make of it.
Part of me wanted to reach up and tear the blindfold away from my eyes, while another part of
me was aroused by the simple gesture. I decided to go with the flow of things, trusting that
Edward wouldn't try to do anything too insane when he had me in a vulnerable position.
I felt the bed shift and then Edward was straddling me. Warm droplets of oil fell onto my skin,
followed closely by Edward's fingertips. "I'm no masseuse, but I think I can safely say I know
how to get a woman to relax."
The pads of his fingers kneaded my flesh, and within minutes my limbs felt like jell-o. I sighed
deeply, letting all the tension and what little stress I felt wash away with my breath. My eyelids
began to droop, and I fought against the sleepiness that threatened to overtake me.
"Is that too hard?" He slowed his massage and leaned forward, pressing his lips against the back
of my neck. I let out a low moan and opened one eye to look at him.
"It's perfect," I whispered. Just like everything else about this moment.
"Good." Edward's hands moved from my back to my knees, pulling my legs apart far enough for
him to kneel between them. He grabbed the massage oil and drizzled it on my thighs and
calves, and then began another slow round of kneading.
"You are so beautiful," he whispered. Goosebumps decorated the skin on my neck and
shoulders, and I shivered beneath his touch. After paying thorough attention to every visible
inch of my skin, Edward stood up and tapped my shoulder gently.
"Turn over," he instructed. I did as he asked, letting my body sink into the soft sheets.
"Am I allowed to take this off yet?" I asked, tugging at the edge of the blindfold.
The bed dipped and then Edward was straddling me once more. I could feel his arousal straining
against the thin fabric barrier that separated us, and I reached out to tug off his boxer briefs. He
grabbed my wrists and raised my hands above my head, pressing them against the pillow
gently. "No taking off your blindfold and no touching me. This experience is entirely about you."
I giggled when the warm oil splashed across my breasts. "I don't see how teasing me like this
qualifies as pampering."
He laughed – a low, throaty laugh that melted my insides. "You haven't seen anything yet,
I sucked in a breath when his fingers found my nipples. He drew circles around the swollen pink
peaks, rubbing the oil in before capturing them between his thumb and forefinger. I didn't try to
hide the moan that came out, and his continued pinching and rolling was proof enough that he
didn't want me to.
"Mmm." My back arched on its own accord.
He scooted down between my knees once more, focusing his attention on my stomach and then
my calves. When his hands reached my thighs, I wasn't sure I could take anymore.
"You have to stop teasing me," I blurted out. Edward just laughed.
"To quote you, Ms. Swan, 'patience is a virtue.' And this isn't about teasing you, it's about
pleasing you. Those are two very different concepts."
"There you go rhyming again." I clicked my tongue and rolled my eyes, forgetting that he
couldn't see them. "Fuck patience."
He let out an exasperated sigh and shifted so his torso hovered above me. "If you insist…"
"Oh, I do insist. And when Bella Swan insists, you know I mean business."
He let out another throaty chuckle and trailed his hands up my thighs. I squirmed and groaned,
and he gripped my legs in return, pushing me down against the mattress.
"You can't say I didn't try to prolong this…" Edward's voice trailed off and his fingers brushed
against my sensitive skin, pressing harder when they met my swollen nub. I let out a soft cry
and reached up to remove the blindfold. This time he didn't stop me.
"I wish you could see how beautiful you are when you come undone," he whispered, slipping one
finger inside of me. I arched my hips up toward him and bit my lower lip.
He reached his free hand out and gently tugged the skin from between my teeth, dragging his
thumb across my mouth before leaning down and pressing his against it. My hands found his
hair and I pulled him closer to me. He slipped another finger in and began moving them at a
steady pace. His thumb circled my clit, and I squeezed my eyes shut when I felt the first
familiar pulls of an orgasm start to stir in my stomach.
"Please," I whimpered when our kiss broke. He rested his forehead against mine and smirked.
"Please what?" he teased.
"You know what," I breathed.
"This is the best part though," he argued, moving his lead lower and capturing one of my nipples
between his lips. His tongue drew lazy circles around it and he dragged his teeth over it before
releasing it. "The build up before the release, and seeing how your body responds to my touch.
Every cry, every moan, every drop of sweat and arch of your back. This is how you deserve to
be worshiped, Bella."
His words were like gasoline on the proverbial fire that already burned strong somewhere inside
of me. The flames danced in my stomach, moving up through my chest and into my throat.
Instead of a cry of pleasure, they carried the three words I was still struggling to say.
"Edward, I-" His lips silenced me.
"No more words Bella. Let me worship you." He kissed me chastely before placing his lips on
the tender area between my breasts. I watched as he painted a trail of kisses over my stomach
and past my navel. My breath caught in my throat when his lips hovered over the area I wanted
him to kiss so desperately.
"Say the words, Bella. Say the words and I'll keep going."
Somehow I managed to get them out. "Worship me, Edward."
His lips met my wet skin and I arched off the bed once again. He slid his tongue between my
folds, moving it in tempo with his fingers, tasting my arousal and pushing me closer to the
"Yes," I cried. I propped myself up on my elbows, watching the beautiful man before me do
things that practically made me forget my name. His tongue circled my clit one, two, three
times, and then he leaned back and blew his warm breath on me. I fisted the sheets in my hand
and squirmed beneath him, causing him to chuckle. He nipped at my sensitive nub, dragging his
teeth across it lightly.
"I know you're close," he mumbled against my skin. "I can feel how close you are. Come undone
for me, Bella. Give in and come undone."
I tried to hold out, but when he curled his fingers upward and rubbed them against the sensitive
spot inside me, I was gone.
I closed my eyes and tipped my head back, calling out his name and watching as white sparks
ignited behind my eyelids. He grabbed my waist and held me in place while the room continued
to explode around me. When I finally started to come down, he slid his fingers out and stretched
out on the bed next to me, draping his arm across my stomach and planting a soft kiss on my
"That was quite the surprise treat," I whispered, turning and looking at him through hooded
eyes. He smiled and tilted his chin up, pressing his lips against mine softly. Our tongues began a
slow, familiar dance, and I instantly melted in his arms. I pulled back and rubbed my nose
against his. "Thank you."
"You're welcome," he said, pulling me closer to him and resting his head against my chest. I ran
my fingers through his soft, messy hair and closed my eyes.
Sleep welcomed me quickly, but not before I had the chance to see the expression on Edward's
face. His eyes were closed, the corners of his lips were slightly curled up, and he looked
genuinely happy.
It was a moment I engraved in my memory, never wanting to forget.
At three o'clock I woke with a start. Edward stirred behind me and tucked his chin closer to the
top of my head.
I carefully moved his arm aside and rolled over until I faced him. His eyelids fluttered, and for a
moment I was afraid I'd woken him, but then he rolled over on his back and his steady sleep-
induced breathing resumed.
I propped myself up on one elbow and allowed my eyes to roam over his body. There was a
small scar on the left side of his stomach that I'd never noticed before. I reached out and ran
my finger over it, wondering what the story behind the blemish was.
There was so much more I wanted to know about Edward, and I hoped that our time together on
this book tour could help me unlock some of the doors that we had yet to open.
I curled into his side and wrapped my arm around his chest, sighing with contentment.
"I love you, Edward," I whispered, even though he couldn't hear me.
Someday he would hear me.
Hopefully that someday would be soon.
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