A/N: This was originally posted as my FAGE 5 gift for Staceleo.
Characters belong to SM and Frank Sinatra belongs to a different generation. The inner workings of this flufftastic little tale belong to me.
A Night to Remember
In ten years of marriage, Edward Cullen had yet to miss an anniversary. That was one of the
many things his wife, Isabella, admired about him. Every year on October 24 she awoke to red
roses and a sweet, sometimes sappy poem or short story. He always made dinner reservations at
a swanky downtown restaurant and took her home after, where he worshipped every inch of her
Bella was surprised when she awoke that Saturday to find her husband missing and not a single
rose in sight. She crawled out of bed and cleared the sleep from her eyes, giving herself a pinch
to make sure she was in fact in her room and not dreaming.
Her mind wandered back to the previous day as she pulled on her robe and made her way through
their house. Edward hadn't mentioned having any plans. She scanned the large space, searching
for any indication of where he was, but came up empty handed.
Beyond the walls of their Brooklyn brownstone the city was coming to life, and the familiar sounds
of traffic and chatter wafted through the open windows while Bella busied herself in the kitchen.
While she measured out just enough grounds to make her coffee strong but not sludge, Bella felt
worry start to tug at her. I wonder where Edward could be?
She wiped her hands on the front of her pajama bottoms and headed for the door. Her lips pulled
up in a small smile when she saw a mass of red roses obstructing the peephole.
"I was wondering where you…" Her words trailed off when the unfamiliar face of a delivery driver
poked around the side of the arrangement.
"Isabella Cullen?"
"I have a delivery for you." She stepped aside and gestured for him to come in. Once the flowers
were situated and signed for, Bella slid her fingers along the soft red petals. A full-size card was
tucked between the stems, and she tugged it out carefully, recognizing her husband's elegant
handwriting on the front. She slid the card out and opened it, reading the note Edward had left
My Love Bella –
Ten years ago today marks the best day of my existence; the day we exchanged vows and said
"I do" to a lifetime together. As the sun rises on another year of our marriage, I can't help but
wonder what I did to deserve the happiness you've brought me. There's not a minute that
passes that isn't filled with my love and adoration for you.
Alice should be by any minute with your Saturday morning favorite – crepes and coffee from
Esme's. Enjoy this and relax. A car will be there to fetch you at two. I can't tell you its
destination, but wear something comfortable and be ready for anything. You will see me today,
but only if you follow all the clues I've laid around the city for you.
I love you.
Yours forever,
"A car will be there to fetch you at two," Bella mumbled in confusion. Edward had a way with
words, as any author did, and his cleverly crafted anniversary riddle had left her stumped.
"Good morning, my beautiful sister-in-law!" Alice danced through the doorway and planted a kiss
on Bella's cheek. "Breakfast is served. Where would you like it?"
"Uh, the kitchen is fine," Bella answered. "Do you have any idea what's going on?"
"What's going on is I'm bringing you some nourishment." Alice winked and pulled a plate from the
cupboard. "I don't have any answers to give, so you might as well save yourself the questions."
"Can you at least tell me what I'm supposed to be doing?"
Alice sighed and plopped down on a stool across from her. "Edward wanted to do something
special for your ten year. He's sending you on a scavenger hunt."
Bella's brow furrowed in confusion. "A scavenger hunt? What am I scavenging for?"
"Your husband, silly!" Excitement twinkled in Alice's green eyes. "The car will take you to the first
place he's planted a clue at. You find the clue and it will direct you to the next place. Follow
them all and you'll find Edward!"
Bella stared at her sister-in-law in astonishment. "He's so creative, Alice. It's ridiculous. Never in
a million years would I have thought to do something like this."
"And that, my dear, is why you're lucky you married a writer." Alice tapped her finger on the tip of
Bella's nose and clicked her tongue. "Now, eat up and enjoy! You've got a busy day ahead of
Three hours later, Bella was showered, dressed, and anxiously pacing the foyer. The idea of going
on a scavenger hunt through Manhattan made her nervous. What if she failed with the clues?
What if she sent the driver to the wrong place? Worse, what if she spent the whole day
gallivanting around and never figured out where Edward was?
She heard the car pull up before she saw it, and was on the front steps just as the driver got
"Good afternoon, Mrs. Cullen." He smiled and held the door open while she slipped wordlessly
"Where are we headed?" Curiosity and excitement were getting the best of her.
"Avenue B."
"Have you been sworn to secrecy by my husband?"
"I can speak freely about anything, Mrs. Cullen. Well, anything but your destination, that is."
Bella chuckled. She was mildly annoyed, but impressed by Edward's efforts. This would surely turn
into an anniversary that she'd remember for many years to come.
"Hey…" Her voice trailed off and a smile danced on her lips. The car came to a stop in front of a
familiar building. A decade had changed the neighborhood, but the café's peeling sign and retro
décor remained the same. Bella stepped out of the Lincoln, glancing over her shoulder at the
driver. "Are you coming in?"
He shook his head. "I'll be waiting out here."
She nodded her head and eased the car door shut before crossing the busy sidewalk and entering
the café.
"Welcome to The Rustic." An older woman beamed at her from behind the counter. Bella
recognized her immediately. After all, she'd been working that day…
"Welcome to The Rustic."
Bella stomped the snow off her boots and tugged at her stocking cap. The first snow of the
season was always the most annoying, and for some reason this year's decided to come in
"Bells! Over here!" Jacob Black stood and waved his hands in the air. Bella rolled her eyes and
made her way to the table.
"Stop making a scene," she muttered, dropping her backpack on an empty chair and peeling off
her coat. "This place isn't exactly happening."
"Hence the reason I picked it."
"Where are Angela and Kate?"
"Angela couldn't make it and Kate is running late. Ha, did you hear that? 'Kate' and 'late' rhyme."
"I'm going to get a drink." She turned abruptly, colliding with a man standing behind her. His
bagel flew in the air, coffee sloshed all over both of them, and before Bella realized what was
happening they were nothing more than a tangled mess of limbs on the floor.
"What the fuck? You should watch where you're going!" The guy stood, running a hand through
his messy brown hair and adjusting his glasses. Coffee coated the front of his plaid button-down
shirt and the crotch of his khakis. He was quite attractive, despite his disheveled appearance.
"Well excuse me." Bella stood as well, biting her lip to keep from laughing when she saw the
angry expression on his face. "Perhaps you shouldn't hover behind people like a creeper and then
you wouldn't get mauled over."
"Thank you for your magnificent insight." His cheeks flushed as he gathered up his messenger
bag. He shot her a glare before weaving his way between the tables and out the door.
"Dick," Bella mumbled.
Jacob laughed. "You sure know how to make an impression."
"Please, I don't even know who he is. Why would I care what he thinks?"
"His name is Edward Cullen. He's a writer. I see him here all the time."
"I guess it's a good thing I don't come here all the time then." Bella knew she was being a bitch,
and Jacob certainly didn't deserve to be the target of her anger. She started her morning by
having a blowout with her mom, and things had only gotten worse from there. Colliding with
Edward Something-Or-Other was the icing on the top of her oh-so-wonderful Sunday cake. "Do
you need a refill?
Jacob shook his head. "Nah, I'm good." Once she got a tea and got settled, Jacob scrawled
something on a scrap of paper and pushed it across the table to her.
"What's this?"
"Edward's book."
He nodded. "Read it. I promise you won't be disappointed."
She bought his book and read it in three hours. The words captivated her and left her longing to
know more about the man behind them. Lucky for her he was feeling the same way.
It took Edward a week to get her number from Jacob and call for a date. It took Bella a week
after that to realize she actually wanted to go out with him.
"Ma'am? Can I help you?"
Bella shook her head and blushed. "I'm, um, just waiting for a friend," she lied, hoping to buy
herself time to look for Edward's clue. She glanced around, wondering where it could possibly be.
Her gaze fell on a large bookcase situated in the corner of the space. Gotcha.
Bella's eyes roamed over the collection of reading materials, settling on a worn-out copy of
Gravity. She eased the book out and flipped it open, finding a small piece of paper taped to the
inside of the cover.
Love –
I see you've arrived at the first of our firsts – the first place we met.
Sparks didn't fly – at least not the good kind – but your beauty and sass were enough to catch
my attention, and keep it long after I'd gone.
Every day I thank my lucky stars that I saw Jacob Black that next weekend. And every day I
thank my lucky stars that he knew you well enough to know you just might fall for me if I took
the time to ask.
The next first is a mere three miles away. You might remember, and you might not, so this is
what I'll say: we had a lovely night, Rose and Emmett did too, and I had the opportunity to get
my first good glimpse of the real you.
"Three miles away? Rose and Emmett?" Bella tucked the note away in her pocket and put the
book back on its shelf. The wheels in her mind were turning all the way to the car.
"That was quick," the driver remarked.
Bella closed her eyes and thought long and hard about Edward's words. They'd only gone on one
double date with Rose and Emmett, and if she remembered correctly it wasn't planned. It was at
the very beginning of their relationship…
Our first date!
"I've got it!" she exclaimed. The driver glanced at her curiously in the rearview mirror, and Bella
felt her cheeks warm with a blush. "Can you take me to the Museum of Modern Art?"
"Of course."
She rubbed her hands together excitedly, looking forward to finding clue number two.
The Museum of Modern Art had always been one of Bella's favorite places in the city. She'd
visited it often with her mother when she was growing up. It was one of their many traditions,
and that made Bella even fonder of the space.
Now, as the car moved slowly across town, she thought back to that first time she'd ever gone
out with Edward…
"You look beautiful."
His statement was so cliché, but it still made her swoon. "Thank you. You look pretty dashing
Together they made a stunning couple. Her dark hair hung in loose, chunky curls around her
face, and the dress she wore was vintage, falling just past her knees. His hair was gelled up,
he'd opted to wear contacts, and his fitted sweater showed off the definition of his muscles.
"Can I let you in on a secret?" he whispered as they made their way to the entrance.
"I've never been here before." He held the door open and gestured for her to enter. As soon as
she was inside, Bella spun around and faced him.
"You're a starving artist in the big city and you've never visited this museum?"
Edward laughed. "I'm not exactly starving at this point, though I've been damn close at times."
He linked his fingers through hers and led her to the ticket desk. "I have a very healthy
appreciation for the written word, but I can't say I've spent too much time dabbling in the visual
"Well, then we can learn something from one another, can't we?" She winked playfully and
turned to the attendant. "Two adults please."
"I'll try not to hover tonight," Edward joked, following Bella to the first exhibit.
"I'll make sure my Edward radar is up and running."
Edward stayed close by her all night, picking her brain as they moved from exhibit to exhibit. He
had a genuine interest, not only in the art before them, but also in everything Bella had to say.
His questions weren't only about the many pieces of work, but about her as well, and even
though Bella had a laundry list of questions she was dying to ask, she knew there would be time
to do that in the future.
"Iz!" She looked up and saw her brother waving.
"Em!" Bella dropped Edward's hand and scooted forward, throwing her arms around her brother's
neck and laughing excitedly. "What are you doing here?"
"We decided to come down for a weekend," Emmett explained, narrowing his eyes when he
noticed Edward. "Who's the guy?"
"I'm on a date. Edward Cullen, meet my big brother Emmett." Edward's eyes grew wide like
saucers as he shook Emmett's hand.
"Bella!" Rose joined their trio, giving her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "What a treat!"
"Have you two eaten yet?" Edward's question took them all by surprise.
"We were just discussing where to go when Rose excused herself. Did you have a place in mind?"
"We were thinking sushi."
"Oh, sushi sounds delicious!" Rose looped her arm through Emmett's. "Shall we share a cab?"
The night carried on as planned, and to Bella's surprise, Edward and Emmett got along very well.
He even let Edward walk her home – alone.
"This is me," Bella said when they reached her building.
"I hope tonight didn't disappoint." He looked down at his shoes awkwardly, causing her to smile.
"Tonight was incredible," she whispered, reaching up and running her fingers along the edge of
his face.
"Does that mean I can take you out again?"
Edward tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear and kissed her cheek. "Goodnight, Bella."
"Goodnight, Edward."
"We're here, Mrs. Cullen."
"I'll be back," she answered, jumping out of the car and sprinting to the building. She found
herself in the gift shop, skimming through the memorabilia from past exhibits.
"Can I help you, miss?"
She turned and smiled at the employee. "Actually, yes. I'm looking for anything from your 2002
"I believe the Smart Car exhibit is the only one we still have items from." He directed her to a
shelf that held several booklets about automobiles and a few tall shot glasses. A piece of paper
was tucked neatly inside one of the glasses.
"Thank you," Bella said, removing the paper. A trill of excitement coursed through her as her eyes
skimmed the contents.
Your detective work is paying off, which I'm happy to see. The next destination is a bit farther
away, and may not be as fun in the fall, but I guarantee you'll enjoy the sights, sounds, and
smells, as well as the memory rooted there.
Our love blossomed quickly, and continues to grow stronger with each day that passes. I can't
wait, sweet, sweet Bella, to hold you in my arms and show you exactly how much these last ten
years have meant to me.
Bella closed her eyes and held the paper close to her heart, shivering as she thought of all the
ways Edward might show her. She tucked the paper into her pocket and then turned back to the
shelf. Grabbing the shot glass the note was tucked in, she made her way to the register and paid
for the item.
"Found yourself a souvenir?" The driver chuckled when she returned carrying a small bag.
"Not that I really need one, but yes, yes I did." Bella slid into the Lincoln and placed the bag on
the seat beside her. She pulled out Edward's clue once more, scanning over it and thinking what
first of theirs involved sights, sounds, and smells.
"Love blossoming … memories rooted …" She tapped her chin thoughtfully. "Is the New York
Botanical Garden our next stop?"
"Very good."
"Yes!" Bella snapped her finger and withdrew her cell phone from her purse.
Love the clues, baby, but not as much as I love you. :)
She doubted he would answer, but felt the need to text Edward anyway.
After all, how many husbands were thoughtful enough to give their wives this kind of chance to
walk down memory lane?
If the MoMa was Bella's place to educate Edward, then the Botanical Gardens were his place to
do the same for her.
"Have you ever been here before?"
She shook her head.
"Perfect. Date number two can be a learning experience as well." Edward grinned and slid his
hands in his pockets.
"Are you a horticulture enthusiast?"
"Not at all," he laughed. "Truth be told, my mom and grandma used to drag me here kicking and
screaming when I was a kid. Then I took up photography in addition to writing, and that gave
me a greater appreciation for nature's beauty."
"I thought you said you didn't have any talent when it came to visual arts?"
"One doesn't need talent to take photos." He led her down a path and into the garden's forest.
"That is true," she agreed, wrapping her sweater more tightly around herself. Most of the
unanticipated late-October snow had melted, making November resemble traditional New York
City autumn weather.
"Are you cold?" He started to remove his coat but she reached out and stopped him.
"I'll be fine. Don't freeze yourself on my behalf."
"Well, so much for trying to be chivalrous…"
"Chivalry is dead. You're a writer, you should know that," she joked.
He rolled his eyes. "You've read my book. You know it's still alive and kicking in my fiction world."
She wrapped both her arms around his and rested her cheek against his bicep. "And in your
living, breathing world." The two walked in silence, stopping when they reached a clearing in the
trees. A small lake stood before them, bordered by a breathtaking waterfall. "This view is
"My parents got engaged here," Edward explained. "They were eighteen, just like you. They met
on the playground in elementary school, became best friends, and eventually evolved into your
stereotypical set of high school sweethearts."
Bella leaned away and looked up at him. "Eighteen like me? How old are you?"
He laughed. "You're just now asking this?"
"It never crossed my mind before, to be honest."
"How old do you think I am?"
She pretended to be lost in deep thought. "Twenty?"
"A few years shy, but close enough. I'm twenty-three."
"And you haven't been snagged by any of the bachelorettes in this city?"
"Correction: two weeks ago I hadn't been snagged by any of the bachelorettes in this city."
She smiled. "I wonder who the lucky lady could be?"
He tapped her nose playfully and rolled his eyes. "Certainly not anyone named Bella Swan."
"You better watch out, mister!" She swatted his chest and stuck her tongue out. "I just might
have to find this woman and take her out."
"I don't know, she seems pretty tough to me. She might take you down." Edward's tone was
light but the emotion in his eyes was serious. Bella held his gaze, allowing herself to get lost in
the beautiful green orbs that stared back at her. He brushed his thumbs across her cheek and
cradled her face between his palms. "Can I kiss you?"
"You're just now asking this?" she teased back with his words. He chuckled and blushed, and it
was ridiculously cute. "Of course you can kiss me."
His lips brushed hers softly, unleashing a spark of desire that began in the pit of her stomach
and spread throughout her body as his tongue swept across her bottom lip. She parted her lips
and her tongue found his, leading it in a slow, sweet dance unlike anything she'd ever
experienced before. As their kiss deepened, she ran her palms up his chest and over his
shoulders, nestling her fingers in his mop of messy hair.
"Wow," was all he said when they pulled away. Crimson colored her cheeks and she let out a
raspy breath.
"Do you kiss all the ladies like that?" she teased.
He shook his head. "You're only the third woman I've ever kissed, and I can tell you right now
it's never been like that."
"I'll take that as a compliment," Bella said, grabbing Edward's hand and pulling him back on the
trail. "Perhaps I can persuade you for another one of those before the afternoon is over?"
"And how exactly do plan on going about persuading me?"
She wiggled her eyebrows mischievously. "I can't answer that, dear Edward. You'll just have to
wait and see."
The gardens had changed over the years, but the site of their first kiss was still there, and Bella
knew that had to be where Edward placed the next clue.
She strode down the familiar path, stopping when she spotted a red balloon tied to a wooden
bench. She could see a piece of paper bouncing inside, and she quickly pulled her keys from her
pocket to pop the flimsy latex. The note fell into her palm and she opened it eagerly.
Bella –
Eleven years ago I kissed you in the spot where you're standing. Sparks flew, a flame was lit,
and it's been burning bright ever since.
Midtown holds the next clue, and you'll find it at the first place I confessed my true feelings for
An excited smile danced on her lips as she made her way back to the garden entrance. She was
surprised his clues were so easy, but then again she wasn't. She knew their history like the back
of her hand, much like any other woman lucky enough to have found true love.
"Where to now, Mrs. Cullen?"
Her eyes sparkled when she gave him the answer. "Broadway."
The Nederlander Theater housed many memories for Bella. The first time she and Edward
exchanged "I love yous" was just one of them…
"Let's sign up for the ticket lottery!" Bella bounced excitedly on the balls of her feet.
"I can just buy us tickets, you know."
"Yes, but this is much more fun." Bella approached the table just inside the theater doors. "We'd
like to enter the lottery for Rent."
"For two tickets?"
She nodded. "Yes, two."
"Fill this out and give it back to me. The drawing is in twenty minutes." Bella scribbled her
information and turned back to Edward, smiling wide.
"How long do we wait?" he asked, slipping his arms around her waist and pulling her close to him.
"Twenty minutes."
"Have you done this before?"
"A few times," she admitted. "My parents never had a lot of money, so this was the only way
Emmett and I could afford to go to the theater."
Edward tipped his head down, resting his forehead against hers and sighing. Green eyes stared
into brown ones, and they both found themselves facing a new and unfamiliar emotion.
"Have I ever told you how much I love you?"
Bella's cheeks flushed. "No, you haven't." She rubbed her nose against his and grinned. "In fact,
in three months of dating, I don't think you've ever said those words to me."
"Well, it's true." He cupped her face in his hands. "I love you, Isabella Swan."
Tears sprang to her eyes, but she was quick to blink them away. "I love you too, Edward
Cullen." She wrapped her arms around his neck and stood on her toes, pressing her lips against
his in a soft, slow kiss.
"Uh, ma'am? You won the lottery."
Edward pulled away and faced the theater employee, hugging Bella close to his side. "I won way
more than the lottery with this one."
"That's … cute." The employee scrunched his nose up and held out two tickets. "Now, who is
Bella smiled. She didn't need to think twice to know where the clue would be. Now it was just a
matter of getting inside the theater.
"You can stop here," she instructed the driver when they were a block away.
"Shall I wait or pick you up in front?"
"Here is fine." Her heart raced and her palms grew sweaty as she drew closer to her destination.
She wasn't sure what the theater's schedule was on Saturdays. If there was a show in progress
she wouldn't be able to get in.
Luck was on her side however, and the afternoon showing had just let out.
"Sir?" Bella tapped the shoulder of one of the ushers. "I think I dropped something under my seat.
Is it possible to run back inside and check?"
"Certainly ma'am." She smiled and stepped around him, weaving her way through the oncoming
crowd of people and down the aisle toward the stage.
"Excuse me." She reached the front row and stepped around some lingering patrons. Paying
careful attention to the seat numbers, Bella came to a stop in front of seats 107 and 108.
Dropping to her knees, Bella ran her hand along the underside of the seats. She sighed in
frustration when she felt nothing, but then noticed a stray envelope laying on the floor several
seats down.
Shaky fingers picked up the stationary, ripping the top open and pulling out the card inside.
My Beautiful Wife –
I'll never forget the time we won the ticket lottery. Of course my memory isn't linked to the
show itself, but rather to the words we spoke in the theater's entrance.
I loved you long before I said the words, Bella. You had my heart before we even left the MoMA
that first night. For eleven years now you've owned me; mind, body, and heart. And even
though only ten have been spent in matrimony, every single day I look forward to the rest of
my forever that I have to spend with you.
This is the happiest first in my ever-growing book of memories. Why, you ask? Because it was
the night that opened the doors to my being able to tell you exactly how I felt about you. Every
morning when we wake up, every evening when we get home, and every night before we fall
I love you, Isabella Cullen. From now on into eternity.
Bella scrunched her nose up in confusion. She read the note once more in search of a clue, but
came up empty handed.
"At least we know you'd make a good PI." Bella whipped around to find Alice standing behind her.
"Alice! What are you doing here?"
"I'm your last clue." She laughed when she saw Bella's expression. "I'll make it easy for you –
where was Edward staying when you first met?"
"Your apartment," she whispered. Alice grabbed her hand and pulled her toward the theater
"Bingo! Now, we have to hurry, or you'll be late!"
The car took them across town to Alice's building. Bella followed her overly excited sister-in-law
upstairs, only to discover she'd converted her living room into a mock beauty salon.
"What is all this?"
"I'm gussying you up for tonight." Alice disappeared into her bedroom, returning with a beautiful
black dress. "Put this on and I'll take care of the rest."
Bella knew there was no arguing with her, so she headed to the bathroom and slipped on the
garment. A half hour later Alice had her hair straightened, her face made up, and her skin
"All set! And gorgeous as always." She led Bella out of the unit and to the end of the hall.
"Where are we going?"
"You're going up on the roof." Alice stopped in front of the stairs and smiled. "I'm going to meet
Jasper for dinner."
"Thank you, Ali." Bella kissed her cheek and ascended the stairs that led to the building's rooftop
patio. Edward was waiting for her in the doorway.
"Edward…" her voice trailed off as her eyes roamed over her husband. The suit he wore fit
perfectly, and he'd left the first few buttons of his shirt open, exposing a few curls of chest hair.
"Happy Anniversary," he said, stepping forward and taking her hand in his. He pulled her to him
and kissed her gently.
"How did you…?" Bella gestured to the scene before her. The corner of the patio had been
transformed into a small slice of heaven. Candles lit the small space and two place settings
decorated the top of one of the tables. Soft jazz music played from an iPod and off white
Christmas lights decorated the potted bushes.
"I wanted to do something special to celebrate," Edward explained. "Alice planted the idea in my
head and I just rolled with it."
She blinked back the tears that had welled up in her eyes. "I can't believe you did all this."
"Well, believe it." Edward took her hand and guided her to the table. "Hungry?"
He removed the covers from their plates and uncorked a bottle of champagne. Edward raised his
glass in the air and smiled. "I'd like to propose a toast. To you, my beautiful wife, who makes me
the happiest man in existence. I'm looking forward to our forever, because ten years just hasn't
been enough."
Bella clanked her glass against his and took a sip of the sweet liquid. They ate in silence,
communicating with their eyes instead. The love that Bella saw in Edward's made her heart swell.
"Your gift is back at the house," she admitted.
"Actually, I think Alice grabbed it." Edward looked embarrassed. "You know my sister. She's good
at snooping." He gestured to a neatly wrapped, large rectangular shaped item beside him.
"Leave it to her not to miss a detail." She grabbed the gift and held it out to him. "Open it?"
"Don't you want to open yours first?"
She shook her head. "Every memory you ignited today was a gift, Edward. I can wait."
He slid his finger beneath the wrapping and removed it carefully. A smile spread across his face
when he saw what was staring back at him. "Where did you find this?"
"I had it custom made," Bella explained, standing and taking a seat next to him. The picture
screamed Edward. It consisted of dozens of aluminum typewriter keys, layered in all different
directions. In the center the words "Edward & Bella" were spelled out clearly. "I thought it would
look good in your office."
"I love it." He leaned over and kissed her cheek. "And now for your gift." He pulled a Cartier box
from his pocket.
"Edward!" Bella took the box and tugged the ribbon off it, flipping the lid open and gasping. A
beautiful pendant consisting of two interlocked hearts sat on top the black velvet insert. One
heart was composed completely of diamonds, and the moonlight overhead reflected off their
delicate surface. "It's gorgeous."
"I saw it and knew you had to have it." He took the box from her and removed the pendant,
which was attached to a white gold chain. "Two hearts together forever; that's what we are,
Tears sprang to her eyes once more as he slid the chain around her neck and clasped it. "I love
you," she whispered, turning her head and pulling his toward her. His kiss consumed her, igniting
the love she felt in her heart. Bella leaned back on the bench, pulling Edward with her. His hands
moved down her sides and settled on her hips, which he held in place firmly. Her fingers slipped
beneath the collar of his shirt, leaving a trail of goose bumps in their wake.
"Bella," he moaned, pulling his face away and opening his eyes. "We can't do this here." The
disappointment she felt must have showed on her features, because Edward was quick to explain.
"I promise to show you just how much I love you when we get home."
She sighed and scooted into a sitting position. "Exhibitionism doesn't suit you?"
He chuckled. "Not when it's on the roof of my sister's apartment." His attention turned to the
music when a familiar song started to play. A smile tugged at his lips as he stood and held his
hand out to her. "Dance with me?"
Bella stood and followed Edward to the center of the patio, wrapping her arms around his neck
and resting her face against his chest.
"Strangers in the night…" Frank Sinatra was one of their favorites.
"Do you remember when we danced to this at our reception?"
"I believe that was the same time that Charlie attempted to dance with Renee."
"And got champagne thrown in his face?" Bella tipped her head back and laughed.
"That's why you don't get fresh with your ex wife."
Bella stood on her toes and kissed Edward's nose. "I love you."
"I love you too," he replied, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear and resting his forehead
against hers. "Thank you for making these last ten years perfect."
"Thank you for making today perfect." Bella sighed happily and pulled him closer to her.
"Here's to ten more years of perfection." He tipped his head and pressed his lips against hers,
transporting her back to the first time their lips met eleven years earlier. Never in a million years
could she have guessed life would take her on such an exquisite ride with this beautiful man
before her, but now that it had, she wouldn't change it for the world.
Bella knew then that she was hands down, without a doubt the luckiest woman in all of New
For now and forever, that night would always be a night to remember.
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