Chapter Song: This'll Be My Year by Train
Characters belong to SM. Everything else belongs to me.
Chapter 17 – Chicago
Mike and Alice showed up at my door on the eve of the book tour. Mike had a Louis Vuitton
suitcase tucked under his arm and Alice was carrying a throng of shopping bags, some
decorated with the familiar La Perla logo and others with no logo at all.
"What is all this?" I asked, stepping aside to let my two friends in.
"This is what I like to refer to as 'Mike and Alice's guarantee that Bella will engage in kinky
fuckery while on the book tour'." Alice set the bags down and pulled off her coat.
"Do I even want to ask for more details?"
"You don't have to!" Mike strolled into the living room and placed the suitcase on the couch,
unzipping it and pulling out a few smaller brown colored paper bags. "We're going to help you
pack this thing up!"
"Please tell me that's not a brand new Louis," I groaned.
Alice laughed. "Brand new? No. Gently used by the one and only Rosalie Smith? Yes. She felt
bad about not being here to send you off, so this would be her contribution to your vacay kit."
Rosalie had embarked on a business trip to LA earlier that week.
"And what exactly is in this 'vacay kit'?"
Mike grinned and rubbed his hands together with excitement. "A little bit of everything!" He
grabbed the La Perla bags and emptied the contents out on the sofa. "Some naughty lingerie to
get things started."
Alice picked up the two logo-less bags and dumped them on an armchair. "Some naughty toys to
go with the naughty lingerie. You know, two vibrators, silk ties, nipple clamps, a tickle and
whip, and a blindfold. Oh – and a cock ring!"
"And the small bags? What's in those?"
"Oh, that's the icing on your proverbial sex cake." Mike started pulling items out and lining them
up on the coffee table. "Nipple cream, flavored lube, numbing gel in case you decide to put
anything in the back door, some Japanese drip candles, aromatherapy candles to set the mood,
and some massage oils."
I picked up one of the almost non-existent bras from Mike's pile and looked over at him with
one eyebrow raised. "What made you think I would need any of this while on a book tour
"Don't give us that look, Swan. You're far from innocent." Mike began folding the lingerie and
placing it neatly in the open suitcase. "I know you're with Edward now – which I had to find out
from Rosalie, by the way! That means it's time to start giving your body the sexual awakening
it's so desperately in need of. You couldn't have bagged a better teacher!"
"I am not bringing a suitcase full of sex toys and lingerie with me! I'll probably end up on a TSA
list somewhere by the time we're done traveling!"
"Relax," Alice sat down next to me and patted my head. "At least if you check the bag you won't
be there when they go through it. Unlike the time when you forgot you had your bullet in your
carry-on. I'm not sure who suffered more through that experience - you or the geek who had to
search your stuff."
I cringed as I remembered the look on the guy's face when he discovered the source of the
security screening chaos. The only thing I could do was shrug like an idiot and hope he chalked
the incident up to college kids drinking too much over spring break and doing stupid shit on the
return flight home.
"Honestly, I'm not bringing all that stuff with. Edward and I just started dating. The last thing I
need to do is show up in Chicago with a suitcase full of leather and lace."
"For the record, there's no lace or leather going in this suitcase." Mike was now busy tucking
various items away between the stacks of satiny fabric. "And you will bring this on the trip with
you, Swan. If I have to accompany the two of you to JFK and check the god damn bag myself I'll
do it."
"Why does my sex life concern you so much? You have a rather active one of your own to tend
Mike smirked. "That last part may be true, but that's beside the point. Someone has to look out
for your nether regions! You've obviously dusted out the cobwebs; now it's time to get you up to
speed with the rest of the sexually active world."
I knew that I wouldn't win this battle. But I also knew that Mike and Alice would never know if I
happened to "forget" the suitcase at home the next morning. Neither of them was getting up to
accompany me to JFK at the ass crack of dawn. So, I decided to give up and pretend that they
had won. "You know, you're right. There's nothing wrong with a little fun in the bedroom."
"See, I told you she'd see the light!" Alice gave me a one-armed hug and rested her head
against my shoulder. "I'm going to miss you for the next month and a half. Who will be there to
stop Rose from having one of her catastrophic meltdowns?"
I chuckled. "In about two weeks Emmett will be out of his ninety day grace period. That means
the meltdown prevention duties are officially passed on to him."
"Does he know this?" Mike asked.
"Nope," I answered, shaking my head. "Although I'm sure he'll be subjected to that side of the
coin soon enough."
"He needs to get broken in some day." Alice stood and headed for my kitchen. "Do you have any
wine around here? We need to have one last cocktail before you take off."
"Unfortunately no," I said. Alice peeked her head around the kitchen door and pouted. "I know, I
know, I'm a terrible hostess."
"A terrible hostess who just so happens to live within walking distance of some good bars." Mike
zipped the suitcase shut and collected the empty bags. "The night is still young. I do believe you
have time for a few cocktails before heading off to bed."
"What a brilliant idea!" Alice skipped back to the living room and swatted Mike's butt playfully.
"What do you say Bell?"
I glanced up at the clock. It was only eight thirty. Edward wouldn't be at my place until seven
the next morning, and all my bags were already packed. "As long as I'm home by eleven I'm
"I think we can manage that." Mike put the Louis down next to the rest of my luggage and
grabbed my coat out of the hall closet. I shrugged into it and followed the two of them out the
As it turned out, the devious duo couldn't manage to get me home by eleven. Instead, they
poured me into the back of a taxi at one thirty.
"Don't you dare forget to bring Louis with you in the morning!" Mike bellowed as he engulfed me
in a giant hug. "If I go to water your plants and find that in your apartment I'll be on the first
plane to Chicago!"
I started to do a squirmy booty dance in Mike's arms. "Whips, chains, handcufffffffffffs," I belted
out what I could remember from an old Ludacris song.
"That's my girl!" Mike planted a big, wet kiss on my forehead before passing me off to Alice,
who was waiting with open arms.
"Isaaaaaabellllllllla Swwwwwwwwan," Alice sang. I tipped my head back and laughed.
"I'm going to miss you," I cooed in her ear. Alice smiled and hugged me so tight I found myself
struggling to breathe. She had strength for being such a tiny thing.
"Promise to call me at least once a week."
I laughed harder. "More like once a day! I'm going to need my long-distance Edward Cullen
support network!"
"Oh, pfffffffft," Alice smashed her lips together and blew out an appalled and exasperated noise.
"You have that man wrapped around your pretty little pinky finger. By the time you get back to
New York you'll probably be picking out baby names."
Mike steepled his hands and slid them between us. "I hate to have to part the delusional
Erickson waters, but there will be no baby talk around here! Smelly diapers are not at all sexy.
Besides, Swan needs to get her toasted ass home and in bed or she won't be going anywhere
with Edward in the morning."
"And who do you think I have to blame for that exactly?"
Mike shrugged and looked around innocently. "Certainly not me!"
I rolled my eyes and gave each of them another hug. "Alright, alright, I'm going home. I love
you both! Don't get in too much trouble while I'm gone." I climbed inside the back of the cab.
Alice ran up and planted another kiss on my cheek before I could get the door closed. "Use a
condom!" she shouted inches from my face. Mike's eyes grew wide and he stepped forward,
covering Alice's mouth with one hand and using his free hand to grab her waist and pull her back
on the sidewalk. I burst out laughing and slammed the door, waving goodbye to my friends
while the cab took me off into the night.
According to my cell phone it was now almost two in the morning. I dialed Rosalie's number and
tucked the phone between my cheek and shoulder.
"Don't you have a flight to catch in a few hours?"
"Hello to you too," I answered. "And my flight doesn't leave for seven hours, thank you very
"I take it Mike and Alice got their hands on you?" I could hear the smile in Rose's voice.
"First they got their hands on me, then they filled me with drinks."
"Why do the fun nights always happen when I'm out of town?"
I scoffed. "You've been present at many fun nights over the last few months, missy. Besides,
you're out of town with Emmett. Don't even try and tell me there haven't been fun nights in
Rose giggled and lowered her voice. "Are you fishing for details? Because I'm more than happy
to share!"
I scrunched my face up and shook my head, even though I knew Rose was across the country
and couldn't see me. "Keep the details to yourself, please."
"Prude," Rose teased. "It's too late for guessing games so I'm just going to ask – to what do I
owe this late night call?"
"I just wanted to say goodbye once more, even though we're on separate coasts at the
moment." Alcohol had a way of making me sentimental, and I felt my eyes tearing up. My two
best friends were both amazing, but I'd always been a bit closer to Rose. We'd spent many a
college night bonding over our crazy mothers who constantly pushed us to be people we weren't.
"Aww, Bell, I'm going to miss you! I know it's only for six weeks, but it still sucks that I won't
get to see you."
"I'm going to miss you too," I said with a sigh. "No pouting is allowed on my part, however. I
feel fortunate to get to experience this alongside Edward."
Rose was silent for a brief moment. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes, knowing full well what
was coming.
"I'm happy for you Bell, I truly am, so please don't take this wrong," she began. "I know
everything is all golden right now, but promise me you'll be careful. I don't want you coming
back from this book tour with your heart in twenty pieces."
"My heart could never be in twenty pieces, Rose, because I have you, and Alice, and Mike to
keep it glued together."
A ha! That's got her speechless!
"You three are all I'll ever need," I added. My words were met with a soft sniffle.
"Making me cry before bed is not fair, Bell. Not fair at all." I could hear Emmett whispering in
the background, and I knew it was time to let my best friend get off the phone. We all had our
own worlds to exist in now – our own relationships to exist in – and even though they blended
together quite nicely most of the time, the occasional space was something I new the men in
our lives valued.
"Send some of that LA sunshine toward Chicago for me."
Rose laughed. Whether it was intended for Emmett or me I didn't know. "Only if you keep the
snow west of Pennsylvania."
"I love you, Rose. "
"I love you too, Bell."
I let my phone fall back into my purse and pushed my forehead against the fogged up window.
I was certainly going to miss New York.
The cab came to a stop and I paid the driver. The first signs of what was sure to be a wicked
vodka-induced headache started as soon as I got in my apartment.
I tossed my purse in the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge, guzzling down
all of the cold liquid in one long gulp.
I flipped off the kitchen light and headed for my room. Against my better judgment, I flung
myself face first onto my bed and closed my eyes.
Exhausted and intoxicated, I passed out without bothering to set my alarm clock.
Edward's POV
I thumped my fist against Bella's door once again, louder and harder this time. I was starting to
get worried. I'd tried calling her four different times on the drive over, but her phone kept going
straight to voicemail. I preferred to think she wouldn't abandon me at the last minute like this,
eleven days into our relationship and hours before the book tour officially started. The longer I
knocked, the less optimistic I was.
"I'm coming!" a scratchy voice finally called from the other side of the door. A minute later she
stood before me, hair in a mess and last night's clothes rumpled against her slender frame. My
eyes widened.
"Did you just wake up?"
Bella nodded, rubbing her fingers over her forehead and stepping aside so I could enter. "Mike
and Alice took me out last night. I told them I needed to be home by eleven, but the evening ran
a bit later than that."
I toed off my shoes and crossed my arms over my chest. "You do realize we have a flight to
catch in two hours? You can't go to the airport looking like that."
"I know, I know." She wiped away the tears that threatened to spill from her eyes. I took a step
toward her and cupped her face in my hands, running my thumbs along her cheeks and sighing.
"I'll make you some coffee and get Sam up here to handle your luggage. You get yourself ready
as quick as you can, okay?"
She nodded and turned her head, kissing my open palm gently. As soon as I heard the shower
running I grabbed a pod of her favorite coffee and flipped on the Keurig. I gathered up her keys
and wallet and tucked them into her purse, which lay open on the kitchen table. Under ordinary
circumstances, a situation of this nature would make me livid. I just couldn't bring myself to get
mad at Bella. Had Jasper not had an early editorial meeting to go today, I probably would have
spent last night out with him somewhere in the city as well.
Twenty minutes later, Bella's coffee was waiting in a travel mug and her luggage was tucked
neatly in the back of the Lincoln. The bedroom door opened and she emerged, dressed in a pair
of sweat pants and wearing no makeup.
"As much as I'd love to look good right now, I just want to be comfortable."
I smiled and helped her into her coat. I carried her coffee, she carried her purse, and once she
was sure all the lights were off and the door was securely locked, we made our way downstairs.
"You look good no matter what you wear," I told her when we were seated. She rolled her eyes
and grabbed the coffee cup from me, taking a long swig and wincing when the hot liquid hit her
"I really am sorry." In the rearview mirror I could see the corners of Sam's eyes crinkle with a
smile. "First leg of the book tour and your brilliant publicist can barely drag her still-drunk-from-
last-night ass out of bed. Thank god you're more than just a client, otherwise I'd probably be
unemployed right now."
"You own your own business, Einstein. How would you become unemployed?" I reached over and
playfully tugged at the end of her ponytail.
"I'm sure Alice would want to trade me in for a new partner."
I laughed as we came to a stop in front of Terminal 3 at JFK. "I can't see that ever happening."
The security lines were on the light side, which I was happy to see. I hauled my three bags up
to the counter to check them, and then turned to help Bella with hers.
"Do you want to check this? It's not very heavy?" I asked, holding up her small Louis Vuitton
"Where did you get that?" she shrieked.
"It was in the pile of luggage Sam brought down to the car. I assumed that meant it was coming
with us?"
Chagrin spread across her cheeks. I teasingly tried to tug open the zipper, at which time she
lunged forward and took the bag from me.
"I'll check it."
The awkward moment came and passed, and we made our way through the checkpoint and to
our gate. We didn't have to wait long to board, and soon we were seated in a pair of
comfortable first class seats.
"I'll have you know my detective skills are right up there with my finance expertise."
Bella cocked a brow at me. "Huh?"
"I fully intend on discovering what's inside that mystery suitcase of yours." The chagrin returned
and she bit her lip nervously.
"I guess that means I'll be watching you like a hawk, Cullen." She leaned her head against my
shoulder and closed her eyes.
I planted a kiss on the top of her head and smiled. I had no doubt in my mind that this would
prove to be an interesting six weeks.
We barely made it off the runway before my beautiful, hungover Bella was fast asleep.
-=- HC -=-
I fell in love with Chicago when I was a teenager. Back then, my parents were inclined to toss
me into band, and during my freshman year of high school we'd traveled to the Windy City for a
national tournament. The band didn't win a damn thing, but just being there was enough to keep
me in good spirits.
As luck would have it, three hours after Bella and I arrived in Chi-Town, Mother Nature reared
her ugly head and decided to bestow not six, not ten, but fourteen inches of fluffy, white snow
on the city.
"This is fucking perfect," I muttered when I pulled back the drapes in our hotel room. The traffic
on Lake Shore Drive was at a complete standstill while pedestrians tried their best to navigate
through the quickly accumulating mess.
Bella started laughing from her perch on the bed behind me.
"How is this funny? Have you even looked outside?" I whipped the curtains back into place and
sank down onto a nearby chair.
"I'm sorry, I'm not trying to be rude," Bella sputtered out between giggles. "It's just, well … how
ironic is this? They make it through half of the winter with below average levels of precipitation
only to get completely hammered with snow the day we get here."
"I still don't see how this is funny."
"Oh Edward, relax!" Bella stood and crossed the room, opening the drapes once more and
looking down on the chaos. "There's a driver coming to take us to the university tomorrow. I'm
sure they're accustomed to this kind of thing."
"Ha! Do you really think the driver can get here in this?"
"If he gives himself an ample amount of time, yes," Bella said optimistically.
"Well I for one don't foresee us going anywhere, unless it's within walking distance." I ran a
hand through my hair and sighed. "Go figure, it's my first speaking engagement ever and I won't
even be present for it."
Bella turned away from the window and kneeled in front of me. She grabbed my wrists and
gently pulled at my arms until they rested flat against my thighs. She cupped my face in her
hands and lifted my head until our eyes me. "I promise you won't miss your speaking
engagement. The snow is supposed to stop late tonight, the road crews will get out and take
care of business while we're sleeping, and tomorrow when we wake we'll be greeted by a
freshly-plowed winter wonderland."
I looked into her hopeful brown eyes and willed myself to relax. "How can you be so sure?"
"Because this isn't New York," she said with a shrug. I cracked a smile and leaned forward to
kiss her forehead.
"As much as I'd love to believe you right now, that's hardly sound logic."
She stood and toed off her socks. "Sound logic or not, I believe this snow has rendered you
mine for the afternoon and evening. I vote for some room service and a pay-per-view movie
marathon. It's not often that I get a chance to kick my feet up and relax."
I watched as she pulled her hair up in a ponytail and tugged off her hooded sweatshirt. Laying
low for the day didn't sound like too terrible of an idea. I let out a sigh of resignation and
crossed the room to where my suitcases were.
Bella pulled back the sheets on the spacious bed and climbed in. She pulled her knees up to her
chest and grabbed the remote off of the pillow. I stripped my clothes off until I was in nothing
but my boxer briefs and t-shirt, grabbed my Kindle, and slid into bed next to her.
"Romance, action, or horror?"
"Surprise me?"
She smirked and clicked on the TV. "No bitching that I didn't give you a choice." Several minutes
later the opening credits of a movie I'd never heard of danced across the screen. I lifted my arm
and Bella curled up against my side, head on my chest and fingertips resting on my stomach.
The hours ticked by slowly. Bella kept her attention focused on the TV, pausing her movie
marathon only to order us dinner. I remained glued to my book, enjoying the favorite pastime
that I never had actual time to partake in.
It was just minutes after nine when I heard soft snores coming from the other side of the bed. I
pulled the remote from her hand carefully and tugged the covers up to her shoulders. Once the
lights were out, I snuggled up behind her, arm wrapped around her waist and legs pressed
against hers.
Her familiar scent comforted me, and within minutes my own snores mingled in the air alongside hers.
Bella's POV
Over the course of my twenty-nine years, I'd managed to stockpile quite the collection of
memories in the back of my mind. I liked to think of them as my own vintage set of life's most
memorable moments.
The moment my mom found out she had breast cancer – and the moment she finished her final
round of chemotherapy six months later.
The moment I received my acceptance letter to Harvard.
The moment I got to experience the bitter pain of first love gone wrong, and the moments of
weakness that followed.
Seeing Edward's expression when he finished giving his speech was another moment I knew I'd
remember forever. The fear that had taken up residence in his facial features before he went on
stage had completely dissolved, replaced by a combination of excitement and pride. His cheeks
were glowing and his eyes were alive with a passion I'd never seen before.
When he found me waiting for him in the hallway, his eyes lit up even brighter and he spun me
around in a tight hug.
"I did it," he whispered in my ear before putting me down. I squeezed his hand and smiled up at
"Of course you did."
"God, Bella, it was such a rush!" He led me towards the door we'd entered through, chatting
excitedly the entire time. "I mean, I can't even describe it to you. I thought for sure I'd stand up
there and make a complete fucking asshole out of myself, but once I started talking, it felt like
I'd been doing this my entire life."
I slid into the back of our waiting car and brushed the snow off the sleeves of my coat. "I'm so
happy for you! And for the record, I knew you'd be brilliant at this. You're good at what you do
and you're comfortable with attention."
Edward leaned over and mashed his lips against mine. I giggled, wrapping my hand around his
neck and trailing my fingers through his hair.
"Do you mind if we meet up with some of the university staff for dinner? I kind of already told
them we'd come," Edward asked when he pulled away.
I shook my head and smiled happily. "I don't mind at all!"
Edward remained in his element when we arrived at the restaurant. He answered questions,
discussed some different investment strategies, and cracked a joke here and there. I thought he
might burst when the head of the business program suggested he consider teaching at the
college level.
"Me? A professor?"
"Absolutely," the older man said. "You're knowledgeable, you have experience, and there's no
shortage of charisma on your end. The students would love you!"
"Don't I need a doctorate for that?"
"Not necessarily. I mean, if you want one then by all means, pursue that too, but I really think
you should consider giving it a try. Even if you started out as an adjunct professor, I think you
would be pleasantly surprised."
After that, there was no turning off the smile that lit his face.
A long meal turned into to an even longer stop for post-dinner cocktails. By the time we made it
back to our hotel it was after midnight and Edward and I were both slightly tipsy.
"I need to call Jasper. Can you excuse me for five minutes?"
"Absolutely. I think I'm going to jump in the shower before bed." I grabbed my pajamas and
headed for the bathroom.
My favorite part of staying at any W Hotel was the showers. The one in our room was gorgeous;
glass-enclosed on two sides, lined with gorgeous slate-colored tiles, and equipped with a rain
shower. I turned the water on, peeled my clothes off, and stepped in. Within minutes the
bathroom resembled a sauna.
I was in the middle of shampooing my hair when I heard a throat clear. I turned and rubbed the
fog away from the glass door to find Edward standing next to the sink. His shirt was unbuttoned
and his tie hung loosely around his neck. He had a smirk on his face and a hot pink colored
vibrating egg dangled from his left hand.
"I told you I was a good detective." He set the egg down on the vanity and undid his pants. I
stepped under the showerhead to rinse the shampoo from my hair, keeping my eyes locked with
his while he undressed.
Grabbing the egg once more, he slid the door open and stepped inside. I was afraid if I opened
my mouth something terribly un-sexy would come tumbling out, so I kept it closed and backed
up until I was flush with the tile wall.
"I'm going to pretend you weren't planning on hiding the contents of that suitcase from me for
the next six weeks." He took a step forward, lowering his head and dragging his teeth across
my shoulder. "But I'm afraid I can't let you off the hook that easily. I'm pretty sure something
has to be done about your secrecy."
I swallowed hard. Holy hell was this hot. "What exactly did you have in mind?"
He clicked on the egg and ran it over my stomach and down lower. I giggled when he reached
the ticklish spot on the outside of my thigh. "A slow torture of sorts. Perhaps you've been
subjected to something similar before?"
"No, no, no, I can't say I have." His fingers found my folds, inching their way through soft skin,
spreading the wetness and teasing me. As soon as I began to moan, his hand disappeared,
replaced by the egg. He pressed the small object against my clit and turned it to the highest
"Ahhh," I cried out, hunching forward and grabbing his shoulders for support. He dipped his head
and sucked one nipple into his mouth, running his tongue around the pink flesh in a tight circle.
Without any warning, he pulled both the egg and his mouth away.
"You're always so responsive," he whispered, peppering my collarbone with chaste kisses. I
reached between us to grab his length, but he moved his abdomen away from me and dropped
to his knees. His hands pushed my thighs apart and his eyes met mine.
"Please," I whispered, running my fingers through his hair and attempting to pull his face closer.
He ran the egg along my slit three times before pushing it inside of me. His tongue found my
swollen bundle of nerves and flicked hard against it. My legs trembled, and he drew one up and
over his shoulder. He pulled his head back and blew a chilled breath over my hot skin.
"Tell me what you want."
I could barely form a tangible thought let alone vocalize it.
"Edward…" He bit down on my clit and increased the setting on his newfound toy.
"I can't give you what you want unless you tell me," Edward teased. I blinked my eyes open and
tugged up on his hair so that our eyes met.
"I want you to make me come, Edward." I was practically shouting. He smirked and pulled the
egg out of me, plunging two fingers inside and sucking my clit between his lips.
"Mmmm," he hummed. The vibrations from his lips pushed me along, and soon I was dancing
along the edge of a delicious orgasm. He pumped his fingers faster, curling them in just the
right way, and dragged his teeth oh-so-carefully over my clit. That was all it took.
"Holy fuck," I cried, grabbing for something to hold onto that wasn't there. My back arched
forward and my head hit the wall behind me.
"That was beautiful," he murmured, kissing the inside of each thigh and easing my leg off of
him. Edward stood and gripped my chin in his hand, tilting my face up and slipping his tongue
between my lips. I could taste my own arousal on him, and it only made the moment that much
hotter. I tried a second time to grab his cock, but he still wouldn't let me. Instead, he spun me
around and grabbed my hips in his hands. He ran his cock through my folds before pushing just
the tip inside.
I reached up and placed my palms flat against the shower wall. Edward covered my hands with
his and slid hard into me.
"That's so deep," I breathed, glancing over my shoulder. His expression was beautiful; eyes
squeezed shut, mouth slightly open, brow furrowed, and water dripping off his hair and onto his
cheeks. He pulled back until he was almost all the way out, and then thrust forward, pushing my
body into the tiles.
"God, Bella, I could live inside you," he said, pressing his lips against the nape of my neck. He
brought his hands down and gripped my hips, pulling them to him with each thrust forward.
Every time I would get close to tipping over the edge, Edward would slow his pace, stealing my
orgasm and giving me another incredible buildup.
"Mmmmm, so close, so close," I moaned. His fingertips dug into my hips and he growled as my
walls started to clench down on his length.
"Come for me, Bella." He grabbed one of my hands and lowered it until both of our fingers were
massaging my clit. One, two, three deep thrusts and I was putty in his arms.
"Yes, yes, yes," he yelled, burying himself deep inside me when he found his own release. I
slumped forward, resting my cheek against the tiles. Edward slid out of me and reached over to
turn off the water.
"I still need to condition," I mumbled, opening one eye to look at him.
"I think we used up all the hot water," he said, smirking and grabbing a towel off the rack. He
wrapped the fluffy white fabric around my shoulders and steered me toward the bed in our
"Conditioner can wait til tomorrow," I mumbled, falling into the comfortable pile of blankets and
pillows. Edward scooted in next to me and pulled me against him.
"I think we need to do a little further inspection of that suitcase of yours tomorrow," he
chuckled. I slapped my palm against my forehead and groaned.
"You can thank Mike and Alice for that lovely contraption when we return to the city."
"I say we make it our goal to use every item in that bag by the time this trip is done."
I flipped over so I was facing him and ran my fingertips over his chest. "Every item?"
"Well, maybe not every item. But maybe one in each city?"
I contemplated for a moment before sticking my hand out. "Deal."
"Deal." Edward shook my hand and pulled me closer, burying my face against his chest. I took a
deep breath and smiled.
Just one night with Edward was enough to make any woman's lady parts feel alive.
In my case, it was also enough to make my heart start to feel alive as well.
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