Wednesday, December 28, 2011

My Sincerest Apologies...

A new year is almost upon us! It's hard to believe that 2011 has come and gone so quickly. This was both the best and worst year I've had, but I'll leave the personal shit at the door for the time being and get down to business.

I currently have three works in progress in the fan fiction world: Endless Night, Hot Commodity, and If You Only Knew (four if you count the outtake series I'm writing for Hot Commodity). I'm not sure what I was thinking when I decided to start so many writing projects at one time, but it's catching up with me now and biting me in the ass. An explanation of sorts is most definitely in order, and so here goes:

My original intent was to publish one chapter from each fic every two to three weeks, but I just haven't been able to keep up with the writing and so that schedule fell apart. I'm not the type of writer who can rush things, I'm a perfectionist to an extreme, and if something doesn't feel right, I won't post it. I've been known to erase large portions of chapters because I wasn't satisfied with where I took the story (thank god my beta - Chloe Masen - is so amazing because she's been able to provide me with a back up copy when I regretted that), sit on things for days while overanalyzing everything I've written, and occasionally write two or three different versions of something before I'm happy with how it turns out. My neuroses and OCD tendencies act as both a blessing and a curse, and in the case of my writing, usually a curse. LOL! *shakes head and does an elegant facepalm* This coupled with a chaotic schedule has led to one big clusterfuck of excitement here in my universe....

 I'm not even sure how many people read this blog since it's so new, and of those who do read I'm not sure how many follow me on Twitter, but in addition to working full-time as a case manager at a social services agency, I am also a full-time graduate student. As you can imagine, between work and school I don't get too much time for myself, so my writing is usually carefully planned out and timed out. Unfortunately things just haven't been synching up lately and that's also been contributing to my sporadic updates. Add the holidays in there and other unplanned events in the family and social circles and ... Well, I'm sure many of you can relate and you get my drift. Hectic is a mild term to describe what the last month has been like for me.

The holidays are always an insane time for me, so I'm hoping that once this coming weekend passes, things will settle down and I'll have more opportunities to further develop the stories and keep chapters coming out for everyone. My spring semester classes are online, so that will free up the time that I'd normally spend in the classroom and commuting and whatnot, and everything else usually slows down during the winter/spring months.

I wanted to let all my readers know how much I appreciate you sticking around and waiting out and being patient with me while I get the chapters ready. I've contemplated shelving two of the stories to focus on finishing one, but in the end I just can't bear to part with my characters for any extended periods of time, and I don't want to disappoint any readers by dangling a portion of a story in front of you and then snatching it away for who knows how long. I know I would hate it if an author did that to something I was actively reading. :)

To give everyone an idea of exactly what's to come in the near future in terms of my work...
- Chapter 9 of Hot Commodity is approximately half written, and my hope (let me emphasize the word hope) is to finish the remaining half tomorrow night, send it off for some beta action, and get it posted either Friday or Saturday sometime. I'd love for it to be my last official fic update of 2011. :)

- Chapter 11 of Endless Night isn't started yet, but I have notes and a rough outline of how I'd like the chapter to play out, so my hope is to get started on that this weekend. If all goes as planned, I will have it posted on and TWCS by the end of next week.

- Chapter 3 of If You Only Knew probably won't be up until mid-January at the earliest. There's lots to do in that department and I haven't even started thinking about it quite yet.

- The second Hot Commodity outtake, Edward's first journal, will be posted next week. The outtake is already written, but it was a part of the Fandom 4 Texas compilation, and therefore I am not able to post it until after January 1. I plan on releasing one Hot Commodity outtake per month, and there will be six more posted after Edward's first one goes up in January. :)

Perhaps a blog entry wasn't entirely necessary, at least not with this much information in it, but in addition to being entirely neurotic and freakishly OCD-like in my ways, I'm also a detail-oriented nut and this is my way of keeping the chaos organized at least a little bit. ;)

I hope those that celebrate had a wonderful Christmas and that everyone has a safe and Happy New Year! Here's to 2012 being filled with laughter, smiles, love, friends, family, happiness, and lots of Robporn! ;)

- N.

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