Saturday, December 8, 2012

Visuals from 'Home Sweet Home'

Bella starts off the chapter by setting up her first meeting with Victoria White. The two plan a lunch at the Waldorf Astoria, which is where Victoria's upcoming gala is slated to take place. The restaurant of Bella's choice: Peacock Alley. This is a legit place, and although I've never been there myself, here's what it apparently looks like inside:


Jasper was busy explaining an upcoming issue of GQ that focuses on professional baseball players. Now, for those who aren't familiar with the sport, Evan Longoria is a player for the Tampa Bay Rays, and isn't to be confused with Eva Longoria. In fact, here he is:


And low and behold, Derek Jeter was actually on the cover of GQ once (which I didn't know before writing the chapter). It pained me to use a Yankee at all in this chapter, but Derek is on my list of acceptable people from that team, so ...


My, my, my.... How I love baseball. ;)

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