Chapter Song: There Goes My Life by Kenny Chesney
Characters belong to SM. Recognizable faces, spaces, and places belong to their respective owners. Everything else belongs to me.
Chapter 18 – Celebrations and Revelations
Jasper's POV
Tuesday started out just like any other day. I got up early enough to hit the gym, grabbed
breakfast from one of the many food carts near my apartment, and made it to the office fifteen
minutes ahead of schedule. I was busy editing my way through a small stack of articles and
thinking of how to reign in one of my feature writers when my cell buzzed with an incoming call.
I didn't recognize the number, but the 212 area code led me to assume it was business-related.
I cleared my throat before answering. "Hello?"
"Good morning. I'm looking for Mr. Jasper Whitlock."
"This is Jasper Whitlock."
"Hi Jasper. My name is Brady Fuller. I'm with Condé Nast. Do you have a few minutes to talk?"
I sat up straight in my chair and dropped my pen on the desk. Weeks ago I'd applied for a
sports editor position at GQ Magazine. I kept the news under wraps, mainly because I knew
Edward would flip out, but also because I didn't think I had a chance in hell of getting it.
Apparently I was wrong.
"Yes, yes I have some time to talk." I stood and closed the door to my office.
"Your resume came across my desk yesterday and I was hoping you could tell me a bit about
yourself. It says you graduated from NYU with your Master's in 2008?"
"Yes, I did. My concentration was in magazine writing."
"That's interesting. You don't have any magazines listed on here. Any particular reason for that?"
"Not really," I answered honestly. "I started working at The Journal shortly before I began my
graduate program. I moved up the ranks, made some good business relationships within the
company, and saw no reason to fix something that wasn't broken."
"But you're jumping ship now?"
"I wouldn't call it 'jumping ship.' I feel as though I've learned as much as I can in my current
position. I'm eager for a new experience, and not only would working for GQ be just that, but it
would also be an area of journalism I've never formally been in before."
I could hear Brady shuffling papers on the other end of the line, but he said nothing. I pushed
out a soft cough so the silence didn't go on long enough to become awkward.
"I see one of our art directors – Jessica I believe – put in a good word for you as well. What's
your relation to her?"
I furrowed my brow in confusion. I knew she worked at the magazine, but I hadn't spoken to her
in years, and I certainly hadn't asked her for a recommendation.
"Mr. Whitlock?"
"Um, yes, sorry about that. I know Jessica from my undergraduate program."
"I'd like to discuss this opportunity a bit more in detail with you. Is there any way you could
come by my office this Friday, let's say at two?"
"Absolutely. Would you like me to bring some of my writing samples?"
"That would be great." Brady gave me the address to his office (which I didn't need, but politely
accepted) before we said our goodbyes.
The first person I wanted to call was Edward. Considering where the interview was at, and who
worked there, I decided it was more appropriate to call Alice. Edward was halfway across the
country after all, and there was no guarantee that I'd get the position. I didn't see any point in
creating a storm if I didn't have to.
"Hey sweetie," Alice chirped. The sound of her voice sent me off to cloud nine.
"Guess what?"
"Whatever it is must be exciting. I didn't even get a hello out of you!"
"I have a job interview on Friday!"
"Jasper, that's amazing! I didn't realize you were looking for a new job," Alice said excitedly.
"I didn't want to say anything until I heard back." I let the little white lie slip by. It was easier
than trying to explain the inevitable Cullen drama that loomed on the horizon.
"Where is the interview at? Another newspaper in the area?"
"Actually it's at GQ. I thought it would be nice to try something new."
I closed my eyes and pictured the excitement on Alice's face as she spoke. "Oh my God, that's
great! GQ is a big deal, Jasper. That's a major magazine! You must be so excited!"
"Of course I'm excited, sweetheart. That's why I called you."
Alice laughed. "I think a celebration of sorts is in order tonight. Meet me at my office after
I grinned. "Sure. I'll call Emmett too, and let him know to grab Rose and meet us."
"Congratulations, baby. I'm so happy for you!" Alice made a cheesy kissing sound before she
hung up. I tossed my phone on my desk, leaned back in my chair and smiled.
"Whitlock, what-" Diego Navarro burst through the door to my office. He stopped when he saw
the expression on my face. "What has you so happy?"
Diego happened to be the journalist I needed to reign in. He was one hell of a writer, but the
guy drove me fucking crazy. He was always in my office, telling some dirty joke, talking about
his weekend drinking escapades, or trying to kiss my ass into giving him a promotion. On top of
that, when left to his own devices he came up with the most ridiculous story ideas I'd ever seen.
"What can I help you with Diego?"
He raked a hand through his shaggy black hair and spun an empty chair around, straddling it
and resting his elbows against the back. "I have this story idea I wanted to run by you."
He held up his hand to stop me. "Hear me out boss, this is going to be a good one. You know
that pretzel truck down by Washington Square?"
I resisted the urge to roll my eyes and simply nodded, deciding to appease him. I didn't want
my good mood to go south with some ridiculous argument. "There's about three different pretzel
stands down there."
"Well, I'm talking about the one that operates out of the old red delivery truck. I can't think of
the name right now, but anyway, one of my cousins is pretty sure they're selling more than
pretzels out of that truck."
"Oh really? And what else might they be selling? Hot dogs? Soda? Throw me a bone here,
"Sex and drugs!" Diego jumped up from the chair and clapped his hands. "Who the hell wouldn't
want to read about that? I was thinking we could do some sort of expose, you know? Send in a
writer, maybe Andrea from A&E, and get some undercover coverage? Some real Leonard
Bernstein shit, right?"
"It's Woodward and Bernstein." I sighed and leaned forward in my chair, folding my hands
together and resting them on my desk. "I appreciate how enthusiastic you are, Diego, but might
I remind you this is a business newspaper? We aren't here to cover scandals, unless they
involve top dogs at Fortune 500 companies."
"But, what if…" His voice trailed off as I stood up.
"No what ifs. I have three good story leads for you right here," I said, handing him a piece of
paper I'd been scribbling ideas down on.
"Aw, c'mon Jasper! These are all dry and boring!"
"To you perhaps, but this is what our audience reads. Now, I want you to pick one of those and
have it on my desk by Friday morning so I can get it in the Sunday edition. Is that feasible?"
Diego slumped his shoulders forward dejectedly. "Sure thing, boss."
I watched as the young man trudged out of my office. For a moment I felt guilty, but then
thoughts of my phone conversation with Brady flooded my mind, and a smile lit my face once
Food truck sex scandals. Where the fuck does he get that shit?
I had to get this job at GQ, if for no other reason than to get away from idiots like Diego.
I also had to remember to find some way to tell Jessica thank you for the recommendation.
Even though I hadn't asked for it, the fact that she was still willing to do that for me after all
these years warranted some sort of thanks.
Besides, Edward doesn't have to find out about the recommendation.
I laughed out loud when the thought popped into my mind.
Edward would find out. He always managed to wrangle information out of me. And when he did,
the shit would hit the fan and cascade all around the room until everyone became a part of it.
I sighed and spun my chair around to face the window.
Edward would eventually get over it.
Besides, now that he was dating Bella he didn't have much of a choice.
Rose's POV
Emmett clanked his fork against the edge of his beer and cleared his throat. "I'd like to propose
a toast." He looked at Jasper and winked. "To Jasper, best of luck with your interview man, I
can't think of anyone more deserving. And to Bella and Edward, who aren't here with us, but
who are hopefully living it up in Chicago."
I joined in the group glass clinking before taking a sip of my wine. Emmett never ceased to
amaze me. I knew Edward wasn't his favorite person, and he didn't have to wish him well, but
the fact that he did anyway tugged at my heart a little.
"So what would this new position entail?" I asked Jasper after we all quieted down.
"Assigning story ideas, getting contacts for interviews, working with the rest of the editorial
team to devise themes for each issue, and more." Jasper smiled proudly. "I do quite a bit of the
same work at The Journal already, but doing it for a magazine will be an entirely different
"I'm guessing it's an entirely different pay grade too?" Emmett wiggled his eyebrows
Jasper laughed. "Yes, from what I know the salary is a smidge larger. That's not why I want the
job though."
"Well either way, I'm so proud of you," Alice bubbled, leaning over to give Jasper a kiss on his
cheek. He beamed at us and tipped back his drink.
"Has anybody heard from our Midwest lovebirds?" I'd only talked to Bella twice in the five days
she'd been gone, which honestly surprised me. I always said no news was good news, so I could
only assume Edward was taking decent care of her.
"Edward texted me something about a giant ass Marilyn Monroe statue last night, but that's all
I've heard," Jasper answered.
Alice shrugged her shoulders. "I talked to Bella Sunday, but it wasn't an uber long conversation
or anything. She's still embarrassed by the surprise suitcase, but I know she'll get over it.
Besides, she seemed more than happy to share all the juicy details of the first toy Edward-"
"Stop right there! Details of Cullen's sex life can stay on the down low where they belong."
Emmett pointed the neck of his beer bottle at Alice and shook his head, giving her an
exaggeratedly stern look.
"Fine, fine, fine." Alice pouted and rolled her eyes. I laughed.
"Give these two a break, Ali. They aren't quite used to our lady banter."
"Nor am I sure I ever want to be," Jasper teased.
"Unfortunately for you both it comes with the territory of dating us." Alice crossed her arms
over chest smugly.
"Well, in that case…" Emmett placed his napkin on the table and attempted to stand up. I
swatted his thigh and pulled him back into his chair, eliciting laughter from both him and Jasper.
"You know, we're quite low-maintenance compared to some of the women on this island," I
pointed out.
"Like your sister?" Emmett laughed even harder. I punched his arm playfully.
"Bree is in a category all her own," I said, swallowing the rest of my wine and digging into my
"You're right about that," Alice agreed. "Thank god that character flaw isn't genetic."
I rolled my eyes and smiled, enjoying the happiness that being with my friends brought. Ever
since Emmett and I arrived in LA, I felt like I'd stepped out of my world and onto an emotional
roller coaster. There was no logical explanation for it, but any break from what I assumed was a
hormonally induced funk was greatly appreciated on my end.
Okay, so that wasn't entirely true. I did have an idea about what was causing my nonstop mood
swings. I just didn't want to spend my dinner dwelling over it.
"So ladies, I know it's still a month away, but is there anything in particular either of you would
like to do for Valentine's Day?" Jasper placed his napkin on top of his empty plate and looked
back and forth between Alice and I.
"Are we going to do a double for that night?" I asked.
Alice nodded excitedly. "It would be so much fun! I wonder if there're any good bands coming to
town? Or maybe a show that we'd all want to go see?"
"If it's a show, I can probably get us good seats, and a bit of time with the cast after," Emmett
offered. "Or into an after party if there is one."
"Alright, so dinner and a show?" Jasper looked around the table again and the corners of his
mouth curved up in a smile. "Going once…"
"…going twice," Emmett said.
"Sold!" Jasper reached across the table and gave Emmett an excited fist bump.
The waitress came around to see if we wanted anything else and left the bill. Four hands dove
straight for the small leather pad, Emmett being the quickest and snatching it up. He took care
of everyone's tab (much to Jasper's protest), and helped me into my coat. Alice and I led the
guys outside, where we both promptly lit cigarettes.
"Will they offer you the job on the spot, or did this Brady guy say they have other candidates to
interview?" Emmett asked Jasper.
"I have no clue. He didn't give me any indication."
"Well good luck either way!" I stepped forward and gave Jasper a friendly hug. "One of you
needs to call us this weekend and let us know how it went!" I butted my cigarette and grabbed
Emmett's hand.
"What do you two have going on this weekend?" Alice cocked an eyebrow and glanced at me
"I'm taking Rose up to Maine to meet my family," Emmett said, squeezing my fingers between
"Shame on you for not telling me this!" Alice shook her finger teasingly at me. I shrugged and
smiled up at my boyfriend.
"We just got the okay from his mom today," I explained. "We were debating a few different
"Since when do your parents live in main?" Jasper furrowed his brow.
"They moved up there about four years ago," Emmett answered. "Dad insisted on retiring in
Portland and mom went along with it."
"That's a beautiful area." Jasper turned to face me. "Make sure this oaf takes you up there in
the summer too. You can catch some lobsters while you're there."
I cringed. "Summer travels are fine, but I draw the line at catching crustaceans."
"Such a girl," Alice chided. She pulled her cell phone from her purse and checked the time. "I
hate to put a damper on our otherwise fabulous evening, but I have to go into the office early
I said a silent thanks to the gods of perfect timing. In addition to being moody, I was also
exhausted as of late, and right then all I wanted to do was go home and curl up in bed.
"Should we do dinner again next week? Same time, different place?" Jasper looked around at
us. "I'm just tossing it out there."
Emmett nodded. "I like that idea." Alice and I agreed as well, and before we went our separate
ways we decided to meet at a popular bar and grille in the Village the following Tuesday.
"Do you want to walk home?"
I looked over at Emmett and nodded. It was a nice night for January, and I didn't see the sense
in wasting it by staying cooped up in the back of a car. Besides, my stomach was a bit queasy
after dinner, and I also didn't want to risk getting sick all over someone's leather interior.
"Have fun in Maine!" Alice said, blowing me a kiss. I caught it and pretended to stuff it in my
purse before blowing one back at her.
Emmett slid his arm around my waist and steered me in the direction of his apartment. I rested
my head against his shoulder while we walked, taking a deep breath of the cold Manhattan air.
"I'll call you if I get any news!" Jasper shouted after us. Emmett and I both waved our free
hands over our shoulders in response.
"I love you," Emmett whispered, leaning down and pressing his lips against my cheek.
"I love you too."
Oh, what a lucky woman I am.
Alice's POV
When I met Rose for lunch at the end of the week I could tell something was off. I expected to
have to do a little prying to find out exactly what, but she offered up the information not long
after we ordered.
"I'm late."
"What? You were actually fifteen minutes early today, which didn't go unnoticed-"
"Not for lunch, Ali. My period is late."
I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out. Rose rolled her eyes and tore the roll she
held in half.
"Thanks for the supportive reaction."
"Did you take a test?" I winced at my own words. That probably wasn't the support she was
seeking, but it was the best I could do in the moment.
She shook her head and closed her eyes. "Not yet. I'm scared shitless, Alice. What if it comes
back positive? You know I've never wanted a family."
This was true. I thought back to all the hours her, Bella, and I had spent discussing this topic.
Rose had never once waivered in her decision to not have children. She wanted to get married,
but her lifestyle wouldn't make child rearing an easy thing, and Rose didn't want to bring any
little ones into the world if she couldn't fully dedicate herself to them. I always thought it was
extremely responsible on her part.
"What will you do if it does?"
Rose buried her head in her hands and let out a sigh. "I don't know. I can't have kids, Alice. I
would be the world's worst mother. And Emmett doesn't want them either. He'd probably pack
his bags and run straight for the hills."
"Shhh," I whispered, reaching out and squeezing her arm. "Emmett is head over heels for you.
He would never do something like that."
"But what if he did? I couldn't do something like this by myself! I'd be totally fucked."
"There are other options…" My voice trailed off when our waitress appeared with our meals.
Rose shook her head and looked down at her plate. "I could never do that. I would spend the
rest of my life living with the guilt."
"There are other options outside of that as well," I pointed out. "I hate to have to ask this now,
but were you using protection?"
"Of course we were! We were always careful, but this shit happens sometimes, and … fuck!"
Rose slapped her hand down on the table angrily.
"Oh, sweetie. Take a deep breath, we'll finish our lunch and then we'll head over to Duane
Reade to grab a test. You can take it at my apartment."
Rose nodded and stood up. "Excuse me," she mumbled, heading in the direction of the restroom.
I took the opportunity to send a text to the administrative assistant at our office, letting her
know I wouldn't be coming back this afternoon.
"I'm sorry I'm such a fucking mess," Rose said when she returned. I smiled sympathetically and
waved my hand nonchalantly.
"Given the circumstances I'd say you have every right to be a fucking mess."
This brought a smile to her face, and we spent the remainder of our lunch discussing superficial
things like the weather and what stores we wanted to hit that weekend. The cloud suspended
over us seemed to disappear then, and if I didn't know Rose so well I would have thought
everything was okay by the time we finished eating.
"TAXI!" I called once we were outside, waving at the small group of yellow colored cabs that
were driving past.
"You aren't going to call the car to come back for us?"
I shook my head and laughed. "I don't feel like playing the Driving Miss Daisy game today."
When the cab dropped us off in front of Duane Reade, Rose didn't want to go in. She promptly lit
a cigarette and stepped aside to wait between a mailbox and the store's ashtray. I forged ahead,
grabbing a box of three tests, purchased it, and met my best friend back outside.
"You didn't get the shitty generic brand did you?"
I couldn't help but laugh. "No, I did not get a 'shitty generic brand' of pregnancy test."
"Thank fuck because the last thing I need is inaccuracy." Rose butted her cigarette and we
began the one-block walk to my apartment.
"Have you said anything to Bella?"
Rose shook her head. "No, I didn't want to mention anything until after I figured shit out. You
better believe I'll be calling her if that thing comes up positive though."
"You should call her either way sweetie. I'm sure she would want to be there to support you." I wrapped my arm around Rose's waist and pulled her against me in a sort-of hug. One elevator
ride and an obnoxious deadbolt later left us sitting at my kitchen table.
"Can I do this, Alice?" Rose looked more vulnerable in that moment than I'd ever seen her look
I smiled. "You do know how to take a piss, right?"
Rose mock-punched my shoulder, but the corners of her mouth tugged up into a smile. "Bitch.
Give me the tests."
I handed her the box and watched as she disappeared into my bathroom. A few minutes later
she emerged carrying all three tests. I grabbed a few pieces of paper towel and laid them on
the table, then set the alarm on my cell phone for three minutes from then. Rose turned away
and began biting her nails nervously. I reached over and squeezed her knee gently.
"Do you want to look or should I?" I asked when the alarm went off.
"I can't." Rose rested her elbows against her knees and buried her face in her hands. I took a
deep breath and picked up the first test. A small, bright blue plus stared back at me. I glanced
down at the second and third tests, seeing the same results mirrored in each of the tiny
"Rose…" I didn't have to tell her what the results were; everything she needed to see was
painted in the expression on my face.
"Fuck!" She grabbed the tests and looked at them, tossing each one into the nearby trashcan
violently. "Fuck, fuck, fuck! What the FUCK am I supposed to FUCKING do now?"
"Honey, just calm down-"
"Calm down?" She whirled around and planted her hands on her hips. "How do you expect me to
calm down, Alice? This is so messed up! Emmett is going to flip and I'm going to be stuck
raising some kid by myself! I have a new line to design, the Paris trip to go on, and red carpets
to attend! I can't be pregnant!"
"Sweetie, you need to sit down." I grabbed her shoulders and guided her back on to her chair.
"Nothing I say right now is going to make you feel any better because you're so upset, but I
promise everything will be okay."
"You don't know that Alice!" Her shoulders shook with sobs and tears ran down her cheeks.
"Maybe I don't, but I do know that Bella and I will always be here for you, and that means that if
you fall, we'll pick you up." I reached out to hug her, but Rose pushed my arms away and stood
abruptly, knocking the chair down.
"You and Bella can't fix this!" she yelled, pulling her coat on hurriedly and grabbing her purse.
"The last thing I need right now is two eternal fucking optimists breathing down my back!"
"I'm not breathing down your back, I'm just-"
"I don't need you to do anything for me!" She flung my front door open and fixed me with a hard
stare. "What I need right now is a god damn cocktail. Oh, wait – I can't have one of those for
nine fucking months!"
"Rose, please, wait-"
"Oh, shut up already Alice! I don't want to hear it."
I watched as she stormed off down the hall and disappeared into the elevator. My eyes filled
with tears as I closed my door.
I couldn't even begin to fathom what Rose was feeling. I'd never had a pregnancy scare in my
life, much less taken a test that came back positive. I wanted to call Bella and ask what to do,
but the news wasn't mine to share and I knew it.
I tip toed to the living room and sat on the sofa, pulling my knees against my chest.
For the first time in a long time, I had no idea what was next.
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