Good Evening! :)
First of all, I'd like to take this time to thank the lovely, talented, and all-around amazing RoseArcadia for making a blinkie for Hot Commodity! I've been a big fan of her graphics work for quite some time, and having her do this is kinda sorta a pretty big deal to me. Thank you again hun -- you rock! :) xoxo
School has started back up again, and even though it's just an online class, it's chewing my time up. SO --- I have a bit of an announcement to make (which might be sad for some): I am going to put If You Only Knew on hold for the time being and resume writing when I have completed Endless Night or HC. I feel kinda like a cock tease with this one, cause I posted two chapters and even though it's gotten a low number of reviews, it's still getting a good response and I don't want to ruin that for readers. I promise I will try to update it when I have the opportunity, but at the moment, EN & HC are my two top priorities, with HC kinda outweighing all else because it's the freshest in my mind and the characters tend to "speak" to me more than the ones from the other stories, at least at the moment.
Please don't give up on me! I'm so uber passionate about all of these stories and I promise I won't leave a single one unfinished. Updates might slow down a wee bit for a few weeks, but they are coming! My other reason for being a bit slow to update on the fanfic front...
I'm participating in the Romance Series Original Story Contest over at the Writer's Coffee Shop. The story I've entered is my very first original fiction piece I ever started, Love Across America, and it holds a pretty special place in my heart. As of now the prologue is all that's posted, but the contest goes through February 28, and the first chapter is almost completed and ready to go off to my lovely beta. I'm pretty sure you have to be a TWCS member to check it out, because it is rated NC-17 and all that jazz, but if you happen to frequent that site, check it out, leave me some reviews, and pretty please think about maybe possibly perhaps voting for me when it starts on March 1? :)
Thanks to everyone that takes the time to read my stories - and check out my blog here! And thanks for coming back even when I take forever to update! I appreciate all those who have stuck by me with these stories! I hope you'll still be here when they end!
My birthday is tomorrow - hoorah! - and then I'll be taking off for a weekend in Chicago with two of my besties on Thursday, so you can probably expect a little fanfic and Twitter hiatus then. Don't worry, I'll be back ... :)
- N.
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