Some of you may have noticed that I pulled If You Only Knew from FFn and from TWCS. I did this because real life is kicking my ass like Mike Tyson and I just can't keep up with three stories at once. I only had two chapters of IYOK posted, so it was still in its newborn stages, and therefore I felt most comfortable yanking that story.
Fret not, it will be back as soon one of my other WIPs is completed. The story screams at me day in and day out, so there's no way I can't finish it. I need to do justice to Edward, and he's the primary voice I hear for IYOK. :)
My attention is going to be pretty much fully focused on Hot Commodity until it's done. Of all my works, that one is the one that calls to me the loudest, and I'm so excited to continue to share it with everyone and continue on this journey. A new lemony outtake - Harder, Faster, Stronger - was posted last night on the Insider Trading thread. It's my personal thank you to everyone who voted for the fic in the Sunflower Awards. The next chapter should be up tomorrow night or Saturday morning. *fingers crossed*
Endless Night is going on the back burner for the time being. I have a few different reasons for this, the biggest one being I went back and re-read everything that is posted so far, and I'm unhappy with some things, therefore I've lost the spark that was there when it comes to writing it. Another reason is because I'd like to get Hot Commodity completed, which requires me to pretty much put a cease and desist on the rest of my major writing projects. I will still update EN, it will just probably be one chapter every two months. I apologize sincerely to anyone who was following the story regularly - It's never been my intention to hold it back from you, I just honestly haven't been feeling the groove for that piece for a while and I have to do what I have to do in order to keep a decent balance for myself. :)
In other news, my darling beta/amazing friend Chloe Masen has a new drabble up - When You Close Your Eyes. I am encouraging all of you to go and read it, because it's a wonderful little story. There's angst -- you've been warned. I think you'll like it just as much as I do when you read it. :)
Another thing I wanted to share - My friend Steph (@byrd009) and myself have organized a multi-fandom compilation, Fandoms 4 Special Olympics. Basically if you send us a receipt showing you made a donation to the Special Olympics or to a Polar Plunge team, you can get a copy of the compilation. You can check out the website for the compilation or follow it on Twitter - @fandoms4SO - for information on where to donate, where to submit receipts, and on how to sign up to contribute to the compilation. The compilation is coming out June 15, 2012. This cause is very special and dear to me, so I'm incredibly happy to be spear heading the project!
In honor of Chloe (and just because I love you all), I leave you with a little Thursday afternoon jaw porn...
- N.
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